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Leviton Serial Controller
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Post 1 made on Sunday October 31, 2010 at 12:01
Lurking Member
August 2008

I'm in need of some help with the Leviton Serial controller. I'm setting it up connected via RS232 to a GC iTach to send serial commands to it from a program.

Right now I'm getting mixed answers on the setup.

I have about 15 dimmers, switches (devices) and one wall scene controller.

What is the best sequence for setup.

1. Make the devices part of the netowrk
2. add the wall controller
3. add the serial controller

so then also what then. i have read you go to advanced - and add the controller that way, but i have also read to go to the regular setup and add it as a controller?

after the proper way with that do I just do an update under advance or do i use the RS232 setup choice under the advance setup?

thanks alot for the help ant other details would be so great!

Post 2 made on Saturday November 20, 2010 at 02:57
Long Time Member
November 2007
if you have a handheld remote that is always the first node in any network. from there if you have a leviton serial controller add that as the 2nd node if possible. then add the other devices any way you want.

the trick with the leviton serial controller as it is a secondary controller not an inclusion controller so you have to copy the network over to it from a main controller. the only 2 main controllers i know of right now are the leviton handheld remote and controlthink thinkessentials software with usb stick. example installation manual here [Link:]

you can test if the network copied over by using the programming guide here


which shows the commands to send to the device. then talk to the device through the GC via a free software called Hercules HW (google it). for GC use the tcp client mode and connect to GC on it's private ip address and port 4999 if you are using the first serial port or 5000 if you are using the 2nd serial port (not sure if itach has to. regular gc-100 has 2 serial ports). once hercules says you are connected send a test command to turn on/off one of your lights.

so for example once you are connected via Hercules (software will tell you connected or not) go into the box at the bottom and input
N3,ON < cr > (take spaces out on cr. this website won't let me post it together) just like that (if you want to turn on node 3. if you want node 4 input N4, ON < cr > etc. then hit 'send' button on the right side. you should see the command in the text box above along with if it went through or not.

if everything is successful then the light should turn on. if it doesn't then you need to troubleshoot where the breakdown is occurring.
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Post 3 made on Sunday February 13, 2011 at 11:12
Long Time Member
February 2010
I just programmed one of those controllers into our showroom system.
Command >N,ON and command >N,OFF does not always work for two nodes, and only for those two.
When I send commands to turn on or off to every single node, it works every time. Like that:
>N9, 10, 21,22ON and >N9,10,21,22OFF

Just remember about that when you have problems.
What's weird that these two are not far away, and have others next to them that work fine with general commands.

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