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IR543 locking up...What's up???
This thread has 22 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Wednesday July 27, 2005 at 17:03
Long Time Member
July 2003
ok, finally got everything moved down to the basement and was trying to show off the X-10 switches with my Pronto...Signals were not working...Figured it was my codes...So I tried sending the signals through the IR543 with the top buttons and it kept locking up...Both red lights(top and side) just light up and the switches won't respond...
Any one run into this?

I also have the Maxi controller, but that works fine if I play with the switches from it.

Thanks very much in advance!
Post 2 made on Saturday July 30, 2005 at 20:12
Founding Member
January 2002
The IR543 can be affected by heat. Is it on top of or near any equipment that gives off alot of heat?
OP | Post 3 made on Monday August 8, 2005 at 15:30
Long Time Member
July 2003
Yes, it is standing on it's side next to my HT receiver...That is probably the issue...I will move it somewhere where it won't be near heat.

Thanks for the information!
Post 4 made on Monday August 15, 2005 at 14:04
Long Time Member
March 2005
How are you repeating the signal to the IR543? I had an IR repeater stuck on my IR543AH and found that it flooded the IR signal too much and wouldn't send signals. I backed the IR repeater away and my IR543AH has been working fine ever since.
OP | Post 5 made on Monday August 15, 2005 at 16:52
Long Time Member
July 2003
Well that is the thing...I don't have anything a repeater...
But the last I looked, it seemed like the signal was just looping around and the switches were not taking it...instead of locking is more like an infinite loop.

Any ideas how to fix it?
Post 6 made on Tuesday August 16, 2005 at 16:35
Founding Member
January 2002
I don't know about the lights locking up, but it may not be a problem with your IR543. Do you have any other way to control the X10 switches?

It could be:

1) The IR543 is on one phase and the switches are on another -- and you don't have a phase coupler/repeater. If you have any plug-in modules, try plugging them in to the same receptical the IR543 is on. If they work there, but not where they were, then this might be the problem.

2) You may have noise sources. I had one X10 switch that rarely responded to my IR543 -- either via remote or keypad on the IR543. It turns out an "always on" baby monitor which worked over the power lines was drowning the signal out -- it only effected one module.

I should say I have noticed that at times my IR543 misunderstands my Pronto -- I have "clean" codes downloaded here, but once in awhile it turns on the wrong device, but it USUALLY works correctly.
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday August 17, 2005 at 17:02
Long Time Member
July 2003
Thanks for the info DrJoe!!
Actually since you mentioned the coupler I have looked into them...and was wondering if I need one??? I don't want to pay $70 and find out this will not fix my problem...

So here is my whole setup..
I had my father install a whole new wall outlet that is connected directly to the same line as all of my X10 switches.
I have a maxi controller plugged into that outlet, and it runs everything fine.
I also have a surge protector strip plugged into the outlet which has my TV and modem plugged into it.
When I plug the IR543 either into my surge protector or straight into the wall, it seems to send a "looping" signal(red light is constently on) to a couple of my switches...not all though...but doesn't work any of the switches

If I plug the IR543 into a totally different outlet(running on a different line) it seems that the it recieves the IR signal ok(red light flashes), but doesn't control the lights.

I do have a baby monitor on, but it is an RF signal so that shouldn't effect anything, right?

So my question is, since the IR543 doesn't seem to be looping in another outlet, would it fix the problem if I just bought a coupler and plugged the IR543 into a totally different outlet.

Or is there another solution?

Thanks very much for the help!
Post 8 made on Wednesday August 17, 2005 at 17:52
Founding Member
January 2002
The fact that the maxi controller works is good -- but the IR543 not have as strong a signal and may be drowned out or pick up interference. I would recommend determining for once and all if you have a signal to noise problem or a faulty IR543.

If the IR543 and X10 switches are all on the same circuit, you don't need a coupler.

1) Are any of your X10 switches plug-in modules?

2) Does the baby monitor work over the power lines or is it true RF -- i.e. it has a transmit and receive antenna? If it works over the power line, then yes, it can be causing your problem. Turn it off, and see if the IR543 works. If it is RF, or doesn't fix the problem when off, then try the following:

If (1) is "yes", then take the plug-in module to another room in the house (or even preferably to someone else's house). Plug them both in to the same wall outlet and see if the IR543 works properly. If it does not, then you have a faulty IR543.

If (1) is "no", then turn _everything_ in the room off and _only_ plug in the IR543 and one component (preferably a non-electronic component like an incandescent light). If there are any appliances that are "always on" turn them off too (refrigerators, air conditioners, fans, well pumps, boilers, etc). The easiest way to do this is to turn off all the breakers in your house except for the circuit your IR543/X10 switches are on. If the IR543 still does not work, it is faulty. If the IR543 now works, then turn the circuits and components back on one by one and see when the IR543 stops working. This will tell you what circuit/component is causing the problem.

Some additional questions to answer:

Is the house code wheel set properly on the switches? What about the device numbers? Remember you can only control one house code the IR543 (and it must be set the same on all the switches as on the IR543). The IR543 will only control devices 1-4 or 5-8 depending on how the rocker button is set. So make sure the devices you are controlling are set to devices 1-8 to use the IR543 manually (you can control all 16 units with the pronto).

have fun

OP | Post 9 made on Thursday August 18, 2005 at 09:32
Long Time Member
July 2003
Hi DrJoe..Thanks again..
OK, went home last night and tried something...I have a "pull cord light" over my washer and dryer that has an outlet built into the base of it. I know it is on the same circuit because I had to use that to program the primary addresses before we installed the new plug...
Plugged the IR543 into it and it controlled the lights beautifully!!!! But it is in my laundry room...not a place I want to put my IR543 :-) So I know I don't have a faulty IR543.

ok, now to answer your questions:
1) All regular switches(2380w). No plug ins.

2) I have no idea how to find out if it is "true" RF...It does have an antenna...THis is the one that we have...Maybe you know:

-Yes the wheel is correct. Only have "A" house code in my basement
-The device numbers go from 1 to 11 right now(8-11 are scenes)
-I do have a pronto TSU3000 and as I said, when it worked it worked just great(all devices).

I will definitely check again on the baby monitor, cause when the IR543 worked last night(plugged into the laundry room plug), the baby monitior was not on.

Ok, if I find that it works fine with and without the baby monitor on, then I am assuming that it has something to do with the surge protector that is on the same plug where I want to put the IR543.
I can't take that surge protector out, cause I want my tv and a couple of components on a ciruit that doesn't have a lot on it already...I have plenty of plugs down there, but all of the rest are hooked together, which run my other components and is on the same circuit as my dining room(I know wierd setup, but that is how they wired it)...The dining room is where my window AC is...So that is taking a lot of power to run...

So if I buy a coupler, will it help send the signal if I plug my IR543 into one of the other plugs in the basement?

Thanks again!!!
Post 10 made on Thursday August 18, 2005 at 10:56
Founding Member
January 2002
You may just need a noise filter on the power strip. It may not actually be the powerstrip that is generating the noise, but the TV or something else plugged into the power strip. You should do some troubleshooting to figure out which it is.

Here is a plug-in filter: [Link:]

I don't know if X10 signals will go through it -- you might want to ask Bill of Home Automation Net (who is a participant on this forum).

The coupler/reapeater should not be necessary if everything you are controlling is on the same circuit your controller is plugged in to. You should only need it if you want to controll switches on the alternate phase. If you end up with the IR543 on another circuit,


is an inexpensive phase coupler/repeater.

II am not affiliated with Home Automation Net in anyway; I have purchased products from them in the past).

OP | Post 11 made on Monday August 22, 2005 at 13:22
Long Time Member
July 2003

I will get the filter for now...hopefully that will take care of it. If all else fails I will just put the IR543 on a different circuit and get the repeater/coupler.

Thanks again!!!
OP | Post 12 made on Tuesday August 23, 2005 at 15:53
Long Time Member
July 2003
Sorry, one last question...So I ordered the noise filter...It is on it's way...
Just one question about it though.
Do I plug the "offending"(or what I think is the offending) equiptment into the filter, or just plug the IR543 into the filter?

OP | Post 13 made on Wednesday September 7, 2005 at 10:54
Long Time Member
July 2003
SOLUTION! The 15 amp noise filter worked perfectly! I am not in total control of my lights with my Pronto!

Thanks VERY MUCH to all that helped out!!!
Post 14 made on Monday September 19, 2005 at 17:41
Long Time Member
June 2005
I too am having lock up problems.

It just randomly appeared one day.

I have unplugged known problem causers to x10 (xbox) but it still locks up.

The wierd part is every other x10 controller ( module, table top x10 transmitters) works perfect through out the home.

I am guessing it took a power surge and it is having problems.

Can anybody offer some advice?

Post 15 made on Tuesday September 27, 2005 at 20:54
Founding Member
December 2001
Yeah replace it.
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