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X-10 Fade Lights Off & On
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Topic: | X-10 Fade Lights Off & On This thread has 6 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Saturday November 17, 2001 at 22:24 |
X-10/Remote Lost Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2001 3 |
Altough I've researched X-10 products and feel that I have a fairly good understanding of how they work, I'm still unclear as to what components I need to accomplish my task.
Specifically, I want to fade my living room lamps off with the touch of a button on my remote. My remote is an Onkyo RC-392M learning remote with programable macro capabilities.
To accomplish my light fading task it appears that all I need is an IR543 Command Console and two X-10 lamp modules. Since the command console can dim and brighten the lamps and since my remote can learn the X-10 RC codes from a 6-in-1 X-10 remote that I found at Smarthome.com, I assume that I can program a macro in my Onkyo remote to fade the lamps to off when I hit the designated macro button. AM I CORRECT?
Or, do I have to use one of those Scene-Lighting Modules (which are primarily for light fading schemes? And, if I do have to use one of these $175 modules, do I still use the IR543 Console and the 6-in-1 reomte? Or, is there yet another way to accomplish my task and spend as little cash as possible?
I'm not sure if this is a simple question or not. However, any advice or solutions will be much appreciated.
Post 2 made on Saturday November 17, 2001 at 22:55 |
davebellows Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | September 2001 59 |
In addition to the IR543 and lamp modules you might consider getting the CM11A device that will hook up to your computer. From your computer you can upload a macro to the CM11A device that will do what you're asking with only a single X10 signal sent (ex. A 1 ON which is actually three button presses so you'll probably want to program that as a macro). I use this setup to control a CD player on my computer (this requires a permanent connection to my PC which is no big deal), various lighting scenes in my room and a "light show" in my living room.
Post 3 made on Saturday November 17, 2001 at 23:09 |
Larry in TN Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | July 2001 669 |
The scene-capable lighting modules (PCS MM2S/L) and switches will do a much nicer job and give you more flexibility than will the cheaper switches using your remote to send macros. In either case you'll need an IR>X10 transceiver such as the IR543. See http://x10.how.to for some articles on the topic then you can buy the products there as well.
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday November 18, 2001 at 02:24 |
X-10/Remote Lost Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2001 3 |
Thanks for the link. Also, what about using the HAN-01 IR Interface instead of the IR543? At HomeAutomation.com it states that this unit is best used with scene switches or "devices that use X-10 to execute a macro." However, I'm not sure if ai understand what the difference between this unit and the IR543 is exactly... other than the obvious of not being limited to 10 unit codes and a single house code.
Post 5 made on Monday November 19, 2001 at 09:07 |
Larry in TN Founding Member |
Joined: Posts: | July 2001 669 |
The IR543 is not limited to 10 unit codes, it can do all 16. See [Link: x10.how.to] for a detailed description of each IR>X10 transceiver.
Post 6 made on Monday December 5, 2011 at 13:55 |
bukzin Lurking Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2002 5 |
On November 17, 2001 at 23:09, Larry in TN said...
The scene-capable lighting modules (PCS MM2S/L) and switches will do a much nicer job and give you more flexibility than will the cheaper switches using your remote to send macros. In either case you'll need an IR>X10 transceiver such as the IR543. See http://x10.how.to for some articles on the topic then you can buy the products there as well. Anyone have the new link for this? Old one is dead. Thanks!
Post 7 made on Wednesday December 7, 2011 at 22:53 |
TRCGroup Super Member |
Joined: Posts: | December 2007 4,149 |
On December 5, 2011 at 13:55, bukzin said...
Anyone have the new link for this? Old one is dead.
Thanks! Uhmm, X-10 is dead, they went out of business earlier this year. Also, that post was over ten years old.
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