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Procontrol 24r repeating commands 3 or 4 times
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 2, 2013 at 09:40
Craig Aguiar-Winter
Senior Member
September 2002
Hey everyone. I installed a Pro24r and base station yesterday. With a Pace Cable box, a Logitech PS3 adapter, and factory commands on a Denon AVR3313ci, the remote repeats commands 3-4 times. In the case of the Denon, I hit volume up and it raced all the way to max. Not a good thing. It works fine on an Apple TV and Panasonic projector.

I tried learning from the original remotes, which worked on the Denon, did not work on the Pace, and wasn't possible with the PS3 adapter.

I also tried changing the number of repeats in the IR properties to 0 (the Pace was set to 3, the Denon 2, and the PS3 adapter 2). This did not fix the issue.

I called tech support and he seemed to know the answer right away. The solution is to put another command, he suggested a 0.1 second delay right after each of the offending commands. The reason being that the remote sustains the last command in a string sometimes, so by putting another command after it, the sustain is interrupted and the command works as it should. Sounds good to me.

So why am I asking if tech support gave me the solution? I'm not back on the job site until Monday so until then I thought I would get some input and see if others knew of another solution so I have a back up. Or perhaps someone will need the solution in the future.

I'll post results in the event others need it too.

Thanks, Craig
My wife says I can't do sarcasm. She says I just sound like an a$$hole.
Post 2 made on Sunday February 3, 2013 at 19:26
Design Audio Video
Lurking Member
July 2012
I had a similar issue with a pace rng100 the other day but with URC. The codes didn't work. Searched and those are pos. i tried learning the remote and testing but no luck. I ended up get it to work using an URC emitter on front(not the 3.5mm in back) and I believe it was the Comcast Dct6416 codes. I will check later when I get on laptop. It worked great but no discrete power(used variable).Hope this helps.
OP | Post 3 made on Monday February 4, 2013 at 12:17
Craig Aguiar-Winter
Senior Member
September 2002
Thanks for the reply. I tried learning as well. No luck. I also tried the recommendation of tech support. It did not work. I called him back and once he found out it was a Pace box he new the problem right away. He emailed me a special "tweaked" code set which works for Pace, Comcast and SA. I plugged in the codes and it worked like a charm. Thanks tech support!

Now, the fix he offered first, where you add the delay to the end of a code, worked on the PS3 and Denon receiver. It did cause an issue with the receiver, and that was for any buttons that required holding down, like volume for example. They would require multiple presses. He gave me the solution for this as well. On the top section of the IR database, where you find the delays and page links etc., there is one called repeat. You put it in the Macro and drag the commands into the box that you want repeated. in this case I dragged both the Volume command and the delay in. It worked great but was a little sluggish. Next I changed the "0.3 second delay after sending command" check box to "No". I had already changed the number of repeats from 2 to 0 before so I left it like that.

After making these changes the Volume commands are quick and reliable. The same changes worked for the Pro Control factory "Subwoofer Up" and "Subwoofer Down" commands.

Hopefully someone else can benefit from my learning experience.

My wife says I can't do sarcasm. She says I just sound like an a$$hole.
Post 4 made on Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 16:53
Lurking Member
August 2013
Will try again

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