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Remote code for Sansui SHT-10 Active Surround Speaker System
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Thursday July 19, 2012 at 11:42
Lurking Member
July 2012
Hey all, I'm new to this website so please forgive me if I've put this in the wrong spot.

I currently own a Sansui SHT-10 Active Surround Speaker System (Subwoofer with a built-in amp and a few small speakers) and I have no remote to turn it on.

I've bought 2 universal remotes in the past 2 days to try and find a Sansui remote code that will work for it, but no success so far. I can't even use the scan button on the universal remotes because the system needs to be on.

I was wondering if anyone out there could possibly help me out in any way shape or form.

Thanx Kill3rkif :D
Post 2 made on Thursday July 19, 2012 at 15:59
Super Member
December 2007
Not for those things, at least that I know of.

Good luck.
"You can't fix stupid."
Post 3 made on Saturday December 22, 2018 at 09:59
Maurice 28
Lurking Member
December 2018
Hi, I know it's kinda late but did you ever get a remote for your sansui sht-10 subwoofer
Etienene Baartman

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