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remote for kenwood receiver
This thread has 138 replies. Displaying posts 61 through 75.
Post 61 made on Sunday September 11, 2005 at 15:38
Lurking Member
September 2005
I have a kenwood 1080vr receiver and upon recently moving the darn thing reset itself and I can't seem to navigate around the setup screen to turn on the subwoofer. Any suggestions anyone?
Post 62 made on Tuesday November 29, 2005 at 08:04
Lurking Member
November 2005
Just a note of thanks to those who have suggested the VR-507 fix and posted 'how-to' pictures online. I'm another satisfied customer that was about ready to spend a few hundred bucks (on a NON-KENWOOD) product just because the remote volume wouldn't work. I disassembled the unit (five minutes) and took it to a friend who can solder. Only a few days into it, but it works like new.

This works!!

Post 63 made on Monday December 5, 2005 at 20:52
Lurking Member
December 2005
I have a VR-410 and the problem is exactly what I have. But trying the fix posted in the picture I discovered that my receiver doesn't have the IR sensor....has the spot for it to clip into just no sensor there. So my questions are:

1. Should this receiver have come with the IR sensor in it
2. By soldering those 3 pads would it have my remote now work in RF

also i find if I unplug the receiver the remote will work again

Last edited by Bob_Box on December 14, 2005 14:14.
Post 64 made on Wednesday December 21, 2005 at 20:17
Perry Stahl
Lurking Member
December 2005
On February 4, 2005 at 00:13, teej006 said...
I would love a pic of this problem. There are
plenty of people around to fix it that arent "kenwood
authorized service centers". It shouldnt be a
problem since kenwood doesnt thing there is a
problem. Im babbling...thanks!

Andy If you could I would like to see the picture too I'm having problems with my receiver also
Perry Stahl
Post 65 made on Monday December 26, 2005 at 09:59
Lurking Member
December 2005
I have a VR-509 and have the same problem with the RF remote. I sent an email to Kenwood about a year ago and was told to take my remote to a dealer and try it on another unit. I stumbled across this site when I was looking to buy a new remote. I'm going to try the solder fix and hope this works. Was surprised to see so many experiencing the same problem.

I will never buy another Kenwood product or recommend them to anyone. I just wonder how many other people own these receivers and know nothing about this forum. Apparently Kenwood is aware of this problem but just ignores it.
Post 66 made on Sunday January 1, 2006 at 23:32
Lurking Member
January 2006
I have a Kenwood vr-405, exact same problem. I have beaten the daylights out of the remote, I was convinced it was the remote. I have taken apart the remote numerous times. After reading this thread, I bragged I was going tho fix the problem, in front of the family, walked up to the unit and tapped on the bezel, the remote works fine. Everyone was impressed, tomorrow I will be inside the the box to solder the pins as described. Amazing that Kenwood is hiding its head in the sand on this one. I will never buy from them again. This has been a problem for almost 2 years. Thanks. I will post my success after the fix.
Post 67 made on Tuesday January 3, 2006 at 01:39
Lurking Member
January 2006
Well I got inside the unit, found the cracked connections, at the IR reciever, did the solder job in about 5 minutes. Viola, complete success!!! I can't thank you all enough. It is totally cool, and somewhat unbelieveable, that the fix could be so easily shared via this forum. Next I am going to work on getting my other components to work off fewer remotes.
Post 68 made on Friday January 6, 2006 at 20:18
Lurking Member
January 2006
Will it work for a VR-407, i tried to solder all 3 pins and the receiver didnt want to turn on, So i removed the solder and it work, so my question is, for the VR-407 do i have to solder all 3 pins,
Post 69 made on Friday January 6, 2006 at 21:19
Lurking Member
January 2006
Well it WORKS ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!. pin 1 and 2 had a lil too much solder and I cleaned its up, and now its works. I wonder if their are actual real electrical techs in Kenwood, wheres all the money going.

Thanks to whom are the brainstorms here and actually had the fix
Post 70 made on Tuesday January 17, 2006 at 07:38
Lurking Member
December 2005
I took my VR509 apart Sunday and soldered the 3 pins. It seems to be working fine so far.
Post 71 made on Sunday February 12, 2006 at 23:19
Lurking Member
February 2006
I fixed a friend's VR-507 this weekend with the help of this forum. I documented and took pictures of the repair and posted them on my blog, Thanks!
Post 72 made on Wednesday February 15, 2006 at 13:13
Lurking Member
February 2006
I too have been having the same problem as everyone else, with 2 Kenwood receivers. I've been putting off taking it into a shop to be repaired because I didn't want to unhook everything and then be without it for a while. But I called a place yesterday and they wanted $75 just to look at it. I'm so glad I found this forum and the fix, which I will be trying this weekend. I have a VR309, does anyone else have this model that's done the fix and that can give me any tips, or who might have a picture of the pins that need to be soldered?

Does the PC board actually have to be completely removed to do the soldering?

Regarding the person who said no solder was needed, just heat up the solder gun, do you think that's the best way to go for someone who has no soldering expierence?

Thanks :)
Post 73 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 13:37
Lurking Member
February 2006
Thanks for the help, Ive struggled with the same remote issue for over a year on my VR-509. I removed the cover, metal bar and repaired the three connections in place. Kenwood should be ashamed of this flaw. Thanks.

Last edited by miller23 on February 16, 2006 15:42.
Post 74 made on Sunday February 19, 2006 at 16:16
Lurking Member
February 2006
I did the fix this weekend for my VR309 and it worked great. Thanks so much to those that posted the fix!
Post 75 made on Sunday February 19, 2006 at 20:47
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
On September 19, 2004 at 08:46, remmuh1 said...
I have a kenwood kr-v6010 that I am taking out
of retirement for a little while. I have misplaced
the remote long ago. I would like to purchase
a universal remote to configure and use with this
receiver. Does anyone have any idea what the codes
are for this receiver and if I can manually add
them to a universal remote?


Could it be an internal thermal problem with the infra red board... when things get a hot - a short develops because of two connections or solder joints to close together???
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
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