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Using the Serial Data input of my Bose Lifestyle 50 system
This thread has 23 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Friday August 8, 2003 at 16:41
Lurking Member
August 2003
I would like to control my Bose Lifestyle 50 system via the Serial Data jack on the Multi Room Interface. Is there anybody who could give me more information how to do this? I am looking for hardware specs (RS232? RS422? other?) and code info (what codes to send to the LS-50 for the different commands to be executed, like 'Room A' or 'Volume down').

There is a unit on the market (C-1024) to control the Bose LS-50 based on IR remote control and it uses the Serial Data input, so via a PC or other device it must be possible to control it as well. I would appreciate any help on how to use the Serial Data input.
Post 2 made on Tuesday August 12, 2003 at 13:20
Matt Sherer
Long Time Member
August 2003
I jsut looked on AMX website and they didn't have any serial commands listed for that model of Bose. What you may have to do is contact Bose to see if they have RS232 commands. Sometimes these ports are only for firmware upgrades. If they do have commands and you figure out how to manipulate them, you can use hyperterminal on your PC or laptop to send these commands. If you want to spend some money, you can go with a product named INLINE(which is now merged with Extron) called CTL208. It is an 8 button panel with a list of $490 I think. You can use the CTL208 to control the Bose via RS232 control. Each button can be programmed to send a different RS232 command such as power off/on, vol up/down etc..

The problem you may run into with Bose is that they may deem their RS-232 commands as proprietory and they may not give them out. We have ran into this problem with certain LCD projector brands.

Post 3 made on Friday October 1, 2004 at 16:09
Frustrated Searcher
Lurking Member
October 2004
I know this question was asked a long time ago, but you may try to contact a Crestron programer. Crestron has a file that lists most of the serial commands for the LS50. I have played with it and have pretty good control of the Bose system.

Good Luck

This message was edited by Frustrated Searcher on 10/01/04 20:34 ET.
Post 4 made on Tuesday March 8, 2005 at 20:35
Lurking Member
March 2005
I guess this is a dead thread but I wanted to see if anyone eventually got those serial codes for the Bose lifestyle? I searched the net high and low and found nothing... a little sad that Bose is being so proprietry with this data after I blew a chunk of cash way back when I really knew nothing other than the hype, a few years wiser now and I'm left with what can only be described as a white elephant in my overall system and no hard cash to replace it :( really impacts my overall system and control.
Post 5 made on Wednesday August 31, 2005 at 07:49
Lurking Member
January 2005
Hi, I may have the serial codes you are looking for, please email me at [email protected] Ian
Post 6 made on Monday November 13, 2006 at 08:54
Lurking Member
November 2006

I have the serial codes, if you still require them email me.

Hi all,

Does Serial Data, RS422 mean anything to you guys ?

I know that the model 50 & 20 can be controlled via the Serial Data 3.5mm stereo jack input on the rear of the unit. (Baud 1200,8,n,1).

This is NOT an RS232 input and connecting a PC serial port to it will probably pop the receiving chip. (232 = +/-12v), This port expects TTL level data (+/-5v) so either a MAX232 type chip to act as a gateway between 232-TTL or RS422 (available on AMX & Crestron) uses acceptable voltage.

My dilemma is that I'm face with an Old Lifestyle Model 5, which DOES have the 3.5mm input but it's labeled "System Control" rather than "Serial Data". Does anyone have any experience with this blighter ?
Post 7 made on Monday February 8, 2010 at 04:03
Anna Eriksson
Lurking Member
February 2010

This thread is probobly dead by now, but I have the same problem. Want to use the serial port on Bose Lifestyle 50 system via the Serial Data jack on the Multi Room Interface. Does anyone know how to do this? Plan B is to purchase a "Audio Authority C1024 IR to Serial Converter for Bose LifeStyle LS 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 Systems". Do anyone have experience from this? Is it a good choise, and easy to set up? Any input would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!
Post 8 made on Monday February 8, 2010 at 17:31
Super Member
December 2007
A 6 1/2 y/o thread that just won't die. No on has come to the rescue, probably because there's not much luck in trying to integrate Bose systems into a "custom" non-Bose solution. It does not play well with others.

roymasson posted the last post in 2006 with the codesets, and other important info, but not that it has worked. And judging by the fact that no regular members have posted a solution to this snce it was introduced in 2003, I would say that you might be out of luck.

The only way I have ever seen a LS system controlled by an outside device was with IR, even with a Crestron system.
"You can't fix stupid."
Post 9 made on Monday September 27, 2010 at 09:33
Lurking Member
September 2010
BOSE LS 20 RS422 Serial Commands

Connection Parameters:
Baud: 1200, 8, N, 1
NO Handshaking

RS-422 Output Connector: 3.5mm
DB9 Input (female) pins 4&5 (send Only) 4 goes to Ring, 5 to Shaft, Tip unused.
3.5mm Data Pinout (shaft, ring, tip): ground, data out, data in
(Bose command input is Ring / Therefore data out ^^ refers to controller)

RS422 info: [Link:]




Vol Up....\x61\x45\x41\x41

Skip Reverse....\x61\x45\x42\x42

Play / Pause....\x61\x45\x43\x43

Skip Forward....\x61\x45\x44\x44

Vol Down....\x61\x45\x45\x45

Next Disc....\x61\x45\x46\x46

Video 1....\x61\x45\x47\x47

Video 2....\x61\x45\x48\x48







Mute All....\x61\x45\x4F\x4F




Fast Rev....\x61\x45\x62\x62

Fast Fwd....\x61\x45\x63\x63

Zone 1....\x61\x41\x01\x01

Zone 2....\x61\x41\x02\x02

Last edited by rjbradlow on September 27, 2010 09:51.
Post 10 made on Monday September 27, 2010 at 15:47
Super Member
December 2007
Wow, just over 7 years later, a new poster (or someone who just doesn't want to be identified) solved the riddle.
"You can't fix stupid."
Post 11 made on Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 23:40
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Better late than never?
Post 12 made on Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 03:54
Long Time Member
November 2008
Anyone has the info for a lifestyle 48 installation?

Do you need to change something on the bose system?

This is a command for ON/OFF I found:

What type of cable do I need to use?
Post 13 made on Monday November 15, 2010 at 22:24
Lurking Member
September 2010
On October 6, 2010 at 03:54, Casentis said...
Anyone has the info for a lifestyle 48 installation?

I don't know why, but we switched to using IR for the 48 some time ago and I have not inquired as to the reasoning yet, but would imagine it's because BOSE may have dropped support for the serial data port. I don't know.
>> Experiment with the serial port at your risk. <<
I will have to switch over to Windows (from Linux) to see what I have in my DB (that only runs in Winblows).

I may post what I have later but it probably won't be of any use to most people here.

Do you need to change something on the bose system?

Yes > For IR: Page 60 of the Owners Guide...
In the System Menu; select Remote Control and turn ON IR Commands.
"IR Control: Can change to allow (Teach) another remote to control the system using IR commands (On)."

You could teach a Pronto I suppose; I've never tried it from the Bose since I already have what I need for use with Crestron systems.

What type of cable do I need to use?

Use an IR emitter* - otherwise use the same cable described below which should apply to all BOSE models Serial Data ports [AFAIK].

Bose Serial Cable
Post 14 made on Sunday November 21, 2010 at 00:59
Lurking Member
November 2010
My friends got a new Bang & Olufsen, which I set up for them. They were about to throw away their Bose LifeStyle 48 - which worked perfectly fine - and I nearly dove across the room to claim it. I had it in storage and the MediaCenter was stolen. From reading various posts I think I'm finally closer to figuring out a solution that doesn't cost as much as it would to replace the MediaCenter ($1,800).

Does anyone think that I might be able to send serial commands right to the Accoustimass Module to turn the system on, control volume etc. ? I'm pretty sure it's possible after reading all these posts and right now the system is useless anyway. Maybe I should give it a shot...

Post 15 made on Thursday January 13, 2011 at 05:34
Keystone Technologies
Lurking Member
July 2010
On November 15, 2010 at 22:24, rjbradlow said...
I don't know why, but we switched to using IR for the 48 some time ago and I have not inquired as to the reasoning yet, but would imagine it's because BOSE may have dropped support for the serial data port. I don't know.
>> Experiment with the serial port at your risk. <<
I will have to switch over to Windows (from Linux) to see what I have in my DB (that only runs in Winblows).

I may post what I have later but it probably won't be of any use to most people here.

Yes > For IR: Page 60 of the Owners Guide...
In the System Menu; select Remote Control and turn ON IR Commands.
"IR Control: Can change to allow (Teach) another remote to control the system using IR commands (On)."

You could teach a Pronto I suppose; I've never tried it from the Bose since I already have what I need for use with Crestron systems.

Use an IR emitter* - otherwise use the same cable described below which should apply to all BOSE models Serial Data ports [AFAIK].

Bose Serial Cable

Bose updated the os software of the system with the result that some of the keypress commands are not working anymore. Example volume up works, volume down don't. The focus of Bose was never to let third parties control their systems. The serial port was originally implemented as a port for service and in production programming. The best way to control their systems is IR as serial commands are sometimes wiped out at upgrading the os system software.
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