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RM-VLZ620 vs. RM-VL610
This thread has 66 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 60.
Post 46 made on Wednesday February 23, 2011 at 15:05
Lurking Member
February 2011
hi Daniel, thanks for the reply.
I have learned the codes on my 610, but as you say, they do work, but not properly..just like you say.. also channel + or - will only go 1 channel up or down...

So do you think I would have the same issue with the 620? Or will one of the 5 digit codes that are available for the Pace cablebox do the trick?
I find: Pace 41356, 51060, 51376, 51877,51982...

I did mail Sony to ask if these codes would apply for the PACE DVR7111, no reply yet... keep you posted...
I have read on the issue on Dutch forums as well, and people seem to switch to Logitech, but I would prefer a Sony...
Post 47 made on Thursday February 24, 2011 at 03:49
Elite Member
April 2002
if it uses the XMP IR Protocol, then code 41982 in the rm-vlz620 should work.
Post 48 made on Thursday February 24, 2011 at 12:15
Lurking Member
February 2011
Hi Edmund, thanks, I have no technical knowledge, so I have no clue what xmp is..I'll do some googling, the manual doesn't mention anything on xmp... as I just got one irrelevant and not usefull answer on 3 questions from the sony helpdesk, I'm guessing they are not gonna be able to tell me... and I wouldn't know.. anyone here who can tell??
Post 49 made on Sunday April 3, 2011 at 05:29
Long Time Member
February 2009
On a different subject, not concerning toggle bits because repeating the same press works ok in every case with our devices, but did notice that unlike 610, the 620 Channel + or - rocker button, held down, scrolls the channels

Last edited by tranx on April 3, 2011 05:55.
Post 50 made on Sunday April 10, 2011 at 17:03
Long Time Member
February 2009
Not sure if this has been mentioned already but RM-VL610 can change the current device from within a system control macro but don't think RM-VLZ620 can do this...
Post 51 made on Tuesday September 27, 2011 at 21:11
Lurking Member
September 2011
Hi guys,
can someone with a personal experience tell me, how round is the back of RM-VLZ620? When it lays flat on a table, is it possible to successfully press all of the buttons just by touching/pressing with one finger only -- without any wobbling, flipping, moving/sliding on the table or any other unwanted effects?
(You know, just like with RM-VL600 you can do that easily and without problems, as it has so nicely flat edgy back.)
Post 52 made on Wednesday September 28, 2011 at 00:16
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
No, the back is pretty rounded. There's a slight flat spot that keeps it from laying crooked, but if you press anything with it like that it'll rock from side to side. You *can* successfully press buttons, but I wouldn't call it comfortable to do.
Post 53 made on Monday October 3, 2011 at 23:35
Lurking Member
November 2007
I wanted to reply back and thank IndyUser and everyone else in the thread! I had the exact same problem with my brand new 620 received today from Amazon. I could not get it to Learn one command from three different remotes until I replaced my standard Sanyo Eneloop rechargeables with brand new Energizers. Once the non-rechargeables were installed, the 620 learned all of the functions that it would not learn moments earlier with the Eneloop rechargeables installed.
Post 54 made on Sunday February 19, 2012 at 13:57
Lurking Member
February 2012
On February 21, 2011 at 16:06, wilvanwil said...
hi, I currently have the 610, working fine for all equipment... all buttons programmable, perfect! Now I got a new cable box Pace DCR7111...(same as a Phillips I understand), which works with 'toggle-bits' ...(?) if I understand correctly..... I can't get to program these codes on my 610.... The code book has pace and phillips in there, but they won't work... So I wonder if the 620, now with 5 digit codes in the book, would have the correct code for a PACE DCR7111 to work...(same remote as Philips DCR-8111 I read...) Or does anybody know if the 620 will manually learn these 'toggle-bit'-codes? I would love to stay with the 610, and rather switch to a 620, then to a logitech or else....

I read in an Austrian board, that the Pace DCR 7111 works with a Sony RM VLZ620T. But I haven't tested it personally.
Post 55 made on Thursday April 12, 2012 at 15:28
Lurking Member
April 2012
On February 23, 2011 at 15:05, wilvanwil said...
hi Daniel, thanks for the reply.
I have learned the codes on my 610, but as you say, they do work, but not properly..just like you say.. also channel + or - will only go 1 channel up or down...

So do you think I would have the same issue with the 620? Or will one of the 5 digit codes that are available for the Pace cablebox do the trick?
I find: Pace 41356, 51060, 51376, 51877,51982...

I did mail Sony to ask if these codes would apply for the PACE DVR7111, no reply yet... keep you posted...
I have read on the issue on Dutch forums as well, and people seem to switch to Logitech, but I would prefer a Sony...

Not sure if your problem was solved, but in case anybody else is looking for the same info, I thought I'd share my experiences. I ran into the same problem with my trusty VL600, so I got the VLZ620T (the T version with the colored buttons) and it controls my Pace DCR7111 using manufacturer code 51582. None of the codes listed under Pace cable boxes or any other code I've tried works. Using 51582 it will control volume up down, mute, channel up down, digits, menu, menu up down right left and ok, info, guide, the page up and down buttons, back, off, and the upc button. Also, it will output IR signals for the transport buttons. I don't have the dvr option, so I can't be sure if it actually functions for recording, playback etc, but I assume it does.

So it will let you zap, input double digits and navigate the menu without problems. The only downside is that learned buttons exhibit the same single push problem (i.e. the teletext button, the 4 colored buttons, radio, interactive, help and on demand, because those are not available from the manufacturer code). All in all I'd say it's very workable. The only real downside to the VLZ620 is the fact that macro's end on the device page that they start from. A strange design decision if you ask me. I can't see how that could be useful.

Last edited by chambone on April 13, 2012 13:10.
Post 56 made on Sunday August 12, 2012 at 12:26
Lurking Member
December 2010
Thanks to everyone who posted in this forum. I just got a 620 from Amazon and was about to return it because it wouldn't learn. The solution was definitely to switch to alkaline batteries. Thanks for saving me a lot of RMA related headaches.
Post 57 made on Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 22:10
Lurking Member
August 2012
Excellent! The non-rechargeable batteries were indeed the problem!! As soon as I switched them out, the remote learns just fine! Thanks a million!
Post 58 made on Friday December 28, 2012 at 15:32
Lurking Member
December 2012
Just wanted to say thanks for the solution. I never use rechargables, so I had forgotten that I had one in the remote from the "Next Gen Remote control" [Link:]

I fought with the remote for over an hour until I searched and found this.
Post 59 made on Wednesday April 17, 2013 at 23:00
Lurking Member
April 2013
i felt like the caps were needed. i tried for an hour before giving in and running to the gas station to pick up 2 batteries for $8. but it was worth it. consider the price matching walmarts/amazons price at bestbuy, the counter for the price you pay for batteries.
Post 60 made on Tuesday February 11, 2014 at 15:47
Founding Member
August 2001
I just got both the 610T and 620 remotes and the 610T is a so much better remote in all respects. It feels solid and is much easier to learn new commands into. It also feels much better to hold and the 620 is a plastic piece of junk in comparison.

I also dislike the feel of the buttons on the 620 and I find the layout to be awkvard. To bad the 610T is nearly extinct and very hard to come by. I managed to get one brand new still in the original box and am very happy I got it.

I've had several Philips Pronto remotes but the 610T in its simple form is the best remote I've had. No fiddling with chargers and no need to look to closely at the remote when you use it.
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