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Direct TV remote won't operate Yamaha AV Receiver
This thread has 97 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 45.
Post 31 made on Monday October 10, 2011 at 10:40
Elite Member
April 2002
yamaha code 30176 is from the early 90's.

Try resetting the remote:

1. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
2. enter 9 8 1

Now reenter the tv code:

1. tv
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 1 0 1 6 6

Try the volume should control the tv, right?

Enter the yamaha code:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 3 0 1 7 6

Volume should still control the tv in the av1 or av2 device, now try unlocking tv volume:

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT, the button in the middle of the cursor pad.

Now if you have to, reprogram the directv device for RF, or an alternate IR codeset from 00002-00008.
Post 32 made on Thursday October 13, 2011 at 22:42
Lurking Member
October 2011
edmund, you are a genius! Resetting was the key!
I want to thank you for your persistence and patience.
I am very thankful that I found this forum, and found a very helpful person!
I really appreciate your help!!
Post 33 made on Saturday December 3, 2011 at 19:19
Lurking Member
December 2011
Hey guys, I have a Yamaha RX-V665 that's programmed with my Directv remote. Volume works great, however I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get the inputs working, so I could toggle between HDMI1, HDMI2, etc...

Thanks (:
Post 34 made on Sunday December 11, 2011 at 01:24
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Just when you think you've got the difficult things covered, someone comes along and asks for something completely reasonable but probably beyond the capability of the remote.

However, I have actually seen a Yamaha input toggle command (I think), so if you program AV1 or AV2, and carefully follow instructions, maybe the TV input button might change AV1 or AV2 inputs... maybe? probably not.

Maybe your solution would be to take the Yamaha remote, that has all the source commands you need, and program it to run the satellite. I've got a customer who says he's too feeble technically to follow all this, yet he asked me to program his Yamaha remote. I successfully taught it commands for a cable box, DVD, DirecTV box, VCR, and TV. It's got a few drawbacks, mostly that there are commands for which no appropriate button exists on the Yamaha remote, so he's got to remember some screwy uses for some buttons.

That said, often, once he's got the system up, he'll pick up the DirecTV remote for channel selection, playback, and volume, because it's much better ergonomically for satellite than the Yamaha remote could ever be.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
Post 35 made on Thursday December 15, 2011 at 00:03
Lurking Member
December 2011
Thanks for the reply, Ernie. No luck with the TV input button. Oh well...

Happy holidays,
Post 36 made on Friday January 4, 2013 at 22:40
Lurking Member
January 2013
Many thanks for this thread. I can verify that the procedure edmund listed at the start of this thread also works on a Yamaha RX-V459 receiver and a range of DirecTV remotes. A black lab had chewed one of ours, fortunately, a friend had sent me 2 RC34's a few years back that sat in the remote box mainly because of the hassle setting it up to run our TV, audio and dvd player.

Keep up the good work!

Post 37 made on Sunday January 6, 2013 at 18:18
Lurking Member
January 2013
So I am assuming (and hoping) that Edmund will likely respond to this message but I have a Yamaha RX- 497 receiver and just had Directtv installed today and have the Genie HDDVR and the RC65 Directtv remote. I have read through all of the previous threads with the instructions about the mute/select 993 volume down/select, etc....and CANNOT get the directtv remote to manage the Yamaha volume. I have no problem just leaving my yahama receiver on all of the time (none of the codes can even get the remote to even turn the receive off and/or on anyway) but would love to just have one remote to work the tv/directv box and volume. Currently I have a Samsung tv and just used the tv menu to turn the internal tv volume off and am just using the second Yamaha remote to adjust the volume....while I am not the most tech-savvy person, I do feel like I have given all of the previous instructions a good try---am I missing something? (PS--I have had directtv in the past and could never get just one remote to work it all...did have comcast in between and did get it to be a one-remote controlled system).
Post 38 made on Sunday January 6, 2013 at 19:34
Elite Member
April 2002
On January 6, 2013 at 18:18, cbgmaxie said...
So I am assuming (and hoping) that Edmund will likely respond to this message but I have a Yamaha RX- 497 receiver and just had Directtv installed today and have the Genie HDDVR and the RC65 Directtv remote. I have read through all of the previous threads with the instructions about the mute/select 993 volume down/select, etc....and CANNOT get the directtv remote to manage the Yamaha volume. I have no problem just leaving my yahama receiver on all of the time (none of the codes can even get the remote to even turn the receive off and/or on anyway) but would love to just have one remote to work the tv/directv box and volume. Currently I have a Samsung tv and just used the tv menu to turn the internal tv volume off and am just using the second Yamaha remote to adjust the volume....while I am not the most tech-savvy person, I do feel like I have given all of the previous instructions a good try---am I missing something? (PS--I have had directtv in the past and could never get just one remote to work it all...did have comcast in between and did get it to be a one-remote controlled system).

Do the following:

1. tv
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 1 0 8 1 2

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 3 0 1 7 6

1. av1 or av2
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT
Post 39 made on Monday January 7, 2013 at 17:48
Lurking Member
January 2013
Edmund, thanks for your responses, but it was a no go---just to clarify a few things
---like I mentioned, currently I have the internal mute "on" for my tv so that my Yamaha remote/Yamaha receiver is running the volume---do I need to take that off before going through your steps?
--for the first "tv" step, I assume that you are meaning that I need to slide the switch on the directtv remote from dtv to the tv option, correct? and then complete steps two and three of that section?
-- then to move into the next two sections of your instructions, I slide that same directtv remote switch to Av1, correct? and then keep it in that same Av1 position for the following two sections of instructions?

If I am correct above, when I go through that and then try to use the volume on the directtv remote, it just tries to use the tv volume to change the volume (which comes up with the tv screen "error message" (my words) that it is 'not available' since I have the tv internal volume mute on).....aarrggghhh frustrating...

So am I missing something?? Thank you for your help!!
Post 40 made on Monday January 7, 2013 at 19:29
Elite Member
April 2002
You have to have a tv code programmed to the tv device or the volume keys won't work AT ALL!

Thats why I had you program the samsung tv code first, IT HAS TO BE THERE!!! If not samsung, then some other tv brand, it just has to be one.

If you are seeing the message, that means the tv device doesn't have a code, and the volume keys will never work until there is tv code.
Post 41 made on Monday January 7, 2013 at 19:39
Lurking Member
January 2013
I think I am miscommunicating something.....yes, the directtv remote is set up to "speak" to the tv...the directtv technician set that up prior to leaving my home...I can work the tv volume, the tv power off/on and all of that using the directtv remote....I have no problem with that.....
Post 42 made on Monday January 7, 2013 at 19:47
Lurking Member
January 2013
So when I go through your steps again (taking my tv off of internal mute), then after the first set of steps, my directtv remote controls the volume but the volume on the tv set (not the yahama receiver)...when I complete the last two sets of instruction, then the directtv remote volume buttons don't work at all---the volume on the tv won't change BUT it also doesn't work the volume on the yamaha receiver......
Post 43 made on Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 05:58
Elite Member
April 2002
You said there was a message, on a unprogrammed directv remote the volume keys aren't empty of IR commands, the IR signal while pressed and turned to sat receiver puts message that tv device has to be programmed at the bottom of the screen.

So with tv code programmed in, yamaha code programmed to av1 device, you do the following:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT

And you still don't have the volume?

Try the following:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 6 3
4. press CH DOWN

See if it works then?

Post 44 made on Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 19:03
Lurking Member
January 2013
Nope....when I go through those instructions, it ends up just putting the directtv volume controls back to controlling the volume through the tv (not the yamaha receiver)....crazy, right? Not sure why it seems like it's working for others but not me---I swear it's not me and that I'm following all of these instructions correctly, just totally frustrating to potentially have to use two remotes to control one system:( any last thoughts?
Post 45 made on Tuesday January 8, 2013 at 19:33
Elite Member
April 2002
first do the following, we are going to program a sony av code:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 3 1 7 5 8

Now, with the yamaha on, volume up but muted, lets try searching by volume:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 1, wait two blinks
4. enter 3
5. press and release VOL UP
6. point the remote at the stereo and keep pressing and releasing the CH UP key, if and when the volume changes
7. press SELECT to lock in code

To lock in volume and punch through to all other devices:

1. av1
2. press and hold MUTE & SELECT, wait for two blinks, release
3. enter 9 9 3
4. press SELECT
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