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Philips Gear with Pronto SBC RU950/00
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Post 1 made on Saturday September 24, 2022 at 11:16
Junior Member
September 2022
Hello everyone,

First of all, I'd like to mention that I'm really glad that there is such a community out there :)

Secondly, I have just purchased an RU950, mint condition, for about 40 bucks (I live in Romania, these are pretty rare here).
I am trying hard to find out how to properly control my Philips FA950 amplifier (same remote as FA951/FA931/FA930) and CD930 CD Player(same remote as CD950/951/931). I have searched for codes, tried some that seemed compatible, but no luck whatsoever. I also do not own the original remotes nor compatible ones.
Could someone please help in pointing me in the right direction, or maybe someone has already had such an issue and has working config files?

Many thanks in advance guys and kind regards,

*Later Edit* Hope it's not against forum rules, but if anyone can get a layout done for me, that I can directly import and work with, I would gladly donate 15-20$ for this - I would also like to add my TV, an LG LC3241 to the device list.

Last edited by xoubie on October 20, 2022 03:07.
Post 2 made on Saturday September 24, 2022 at 14:23
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
You might want to post your list of equipment and possibly upload the config file you are working with to a dropbox. Maybe someone will be able to help.

Philips codes are RC5 typically and the software you have will send IR codes through the remote if you connect it directly to the PC via USB if I recall correctly.

What you want to be sure of is that you've not specified an Extender for use. If you connect the remote to your PC and try and test codes using the software, does the device seem to respond? Also, using your mobile phone camera, look at the front of the remote where the IR emitters are and during your testing, do the IR LEDs light up?
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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