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Pronto TSU-7500 Discontinued?
This thread has 39 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 16:45
Founding Member
May 2002
I just heard from my distributor that Philips is discontinuing the 7500, and they (the distributor) had quite a few backorders for them. Has anybody else heard this? And if true, are they replacing it or merely letting the 9600 take over?
Post 2 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 17:34
Super Member
May 2002
I just got a similar story from A$#D. Need to question them a bit more.
Post 3 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 18:06
Active Member
April 2004
Well it's still in philips web site.

If it's true I can't agree since the 7500 is a one hand RC, and the 9600 is not. Only $$ can explain that. Maybe the screen is getting out of production.
Post 4 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 21:29
Super Member
May 2002
Honestly I was not that found of the form factor of the 9600... So I continued to use the 7500. If its gone.. I HOPE NOT. Well its gonna be T3s from here on.
Post 5 made on Monday June 18, 2007 at 22:42
Active Member
April 2004
I have two 7000 and one 7500, If that's true I will buy parts and keep they runing until I can.
Post 6 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 05:12
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
New stuff is coming...
Post 7 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 05:25
Founding Member
September 2001
so not a good time to buy a 7500 then?

I'm in the UK and I'm meeting a friend from the USA in Italy in 1 month. I was going to get him to bring me a 7500 plus extender.

1. will the above work ok in the UK?
2. is that a bad move, knowing what new stuff is coming?
3. will the new stuff be available within the month?!

thanks :)
Post 8 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 07:18
Active Member
April 2004
On June 19, 2007 at 05:12, Daniel Tonks said...
New stuff is coming...

Come on Daniel tell something.

I think everybody already knows about this, if not meet the SRM7500 (7500 again?):

And here:
And here too:

In a partership w/ Mr Gates, I see problems ahead. It says from Royal Eletronics, so problably from belgium team, hard buttons remember the TSU9600 buttons.

Logitech style? Not for me:

PS Maybe this :-)


Last edited by ossocao on June 19, 2007 09:04.
Post 9 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 08:37
Super Member
May 2002
I know there is a going to be a 9200 series... but is it the form factor of the 7000s or the 96000?
Post 10 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 09:12
Active Member
April 2004
On June 19, 2007 at 08:37, Springs said...
I know there is a going to be a 9200 series... but is
it the form factor of the 7000s or the 96000?

Found this about a TSU9200 and a TSU9400:


Coming in september 07 in CEDIA US

Certification of the TSU9400 in Europe, it's a touchscreen remote w/ base:


Note the docking DSU9400. Some say the 9200 will be a hard button one. No certification yet for the 9200. So the 9400 will problably coming first taking the place of the TSU7500 just under the TSU9600. Tsu9200 quite shure will be a basic one, I think will not match a 3500. After all a 3500 does all a 7500 does without color only.

Voltage and adaptors are the same of the TSU9600. So problably uses the same battery. So we can guess it will be same form factor that the 9600, not an one hand remote. Now we now what the RF9400 reciver is for.

Last edited by ossocao on June 19, 2007 11:09.
Post 11 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 09:53
Active Member
April 2004
On June 19, 2007 at 05:25, doubledrat said...
so not a good time to buy a 7500 then?

I'm in the UK and I'm meeting a friend from the USA in
Italy in 1 month. I was going to get him to bring me
a 7500 plus extender.

1. will the above work ok in the UK?
2. is that a bad move, knowing what new stuff is coming?
3. will the new stuff be available within the month?!

thanks :)

It's like car and computer. It's always something new coming in ( getting faster in recent years at the remote area w/ the logitech coming in ). Not necessary better the new models, sometimes adjusting to the competition.

So it's up to you, new models will only hit the market next year.
Post 12 made on Tuesday June 19, 2007 at 11:27
Active Member
April 2004
IT´S OFFICIAL THE TSU7500 IS DEAD ! and the 3500 too.

From Philips:

"Thank you for contacting Philips regarding your TSU7500.

The Pronto NG series will be phased out in late September 2007. The reaosn will be the introduction of the new Pronto series.

At the current time, we are unable to answer questions regarding the new Pronto model and we are awaiting additional documentation for the expected Pronto.

I hope I have answered your question satisfactorily. If you have any further enquiries into this matter, please contact us and refer to your case number PRC-070619-0001


Sven Breuninger
Philips Customer Care Center"

Last edited by ossocao on June 19, 2007 11:34.
Post 13 made on Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 03:19
Long Time Member
June 2003
Hmmm.... I already have the TSU7000 and TSU3000 (and a long retired TS1000). I need a new remote for another room. Now, I see that Philips is coming out with new remotes that will replace the TSU7500! So, I'll need to decide if I should:

1. Stick with the TSU7500 for now. It's been around a while (with many firmware updates by now), so it should work well. There would be very little programming for me to do, since I can reuse my TSU7000's PCF (I'll be using the TSU7500 and TSU7000 in different rooms, but I already have the graphics and codes for all my devices in the TSU7000).


2. Wait until September for the new remote. However, from my past experiences with Pronto remotes (dating back to the TS1000), it often takes months for the bugs to be worked out with firmware and editor updates (for my personal experience, it took a year from the time I bought the TSU3000 before I could use it reliably and retire my TS1000). Getting a new remote would also entail redoing all my graphics, and if things don't go well, I may have to relearn IR codes (the TS1000 to TSU3000 port did not go well for me... too many codes stopped working when porting from the TS1000 to TSU3000). Then, once I finally finish programming my new remote (after weeks), I can imagine Daniel coming out with great graphics which I would want to use, so I would then have the urge to replace all my graphics with Daniel's graphics. That would be even more weeks of programming.... (seriously though, Daniel's graphics are excellent! Thank you very much!).


3. Get the TSU9600! Same story. Lots (weeks) of programming to do. Plus, the serial extender itself costs as much as the TSU7500. I like the idea of RS232 control (I have a number of devices with serial interface). But, RS232 control isn't a necessity. All my devices can be controlled just fine via the RFX6500. All my devices also have discrete codes. I'm also not convinced that I like the TSU9600's layout which requires 2 hands (though I admittedly haven't held one in my hands, and from what some folks say, it's not an issue).

The insanity of it all!

Oh well.... for now, I'm inclined to go with the TSU7500. This is quite a busy time for me, and I don't have much time to devote to developing a new interface. I wonder if now is the time to get a TSU7500 (before it's too late), or wait a little bit and see if the prices go down....
Post 14 made on Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 06:24
Super Member
May 2002
Post 15 made on Wednesday June 20, 2007 at 12:26
Active Member
April 2004
Randman I whould go for a 7500. Quite shure new remote will be a 2 hand one. Not for me. I hate this form factor. Also all the programing and graphics again and bugs and at the end what they can do much better then a 7500? RS232? A little bit sharp image?

They are doing that because all the geeks will change their remote for the new series. Also they are worried about logitech and URC. And maybe the parts they need for the NG are no longer availble, in special screens.

A new 7500 costs 60% less than 9600 look at bhphoto.
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