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New Pronto NG and ProntoPro NG edit
This thread has 120 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Tuesday September 20, 2005 at 17:23
Peter Dewildt
Loyal Member
July 2001
bazaldua, that was one of the main reasons for the new version
Pronto 1000 (retired), Pronto TSU7000, RFX6000 (retired)
Pronto 2xTSU9600, RFX9400
Post 17 made on Tuesday September 20, 2005 at 18:15
Select Member
March 2004
Dropped images are a thing of the past and so are editor crashes. I had these problems with all prior PENG releases. I've already logged over 40 hours with the latest PENG software and have not had one dropped image or editor crash. I can load the same .pcf file in the prior PENG release and relicate the dropped image problem and editor crashes after only 20 minutes of use. This latest PENG release is built upon the core of PPENG v2.0, so it's rock solid. Enjoy!

This message was edited by Lowpro on 09/20/05 23:47 ET.
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Post 18 made on Tuesday September 20, 2005 at 21:38
Lurking Member
September 2005
Has this new version been passed on to the guys at Marantz for them to update Wizz.It software?
If so does anyone have any idea when we might see the new version of
Should I just use Pronto Software/Firmware with my Marantz RC5400?
Post 19 made on Tuesday September 20, 2005 at 21:42
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
On 09/20/05 02:13 ET, Lowpro said...
The latest PENG release supports opening PPENG
files natively now without editing the comments
of the .pcf file prior. PPENG continues to be
able to open PENG files as it did before. So
far as I know there will be no real distinction
between 3500/7500 files and 3000/7000 files.

There are none. In fact, I tested this out first. It appears that the only real difference between the remotes will be the Memory size.

While in PPENG or PENG, you should be able to select Tools->Options->Select Control Panel and select the remote of your choice.

The emulator that is launched is dependent on the Config Type (in my case 7000 vs 7500).
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 20 made on Tuesday September 20, 2005 at 21:53
Long Time Member
February 2003
On 09/19/05 00:21 ET, CV27 said...

- "...allows you to select the next object within
the property pages. This is easy for e.g. fast
labeling of you buttons...": Sorry, I don't get

Yeah, that description isn't exactly crystal. I think it's a very handy feature, though.

Imagine you've created four new buttons and each of them now need to be labeled. With this new keystroke, you can edit the label of the first one and then hit F7, which pops you into the label edit window of the next button. This saves having to open, switch to the label window, and then close each button.

In other words, if you wanted to label the four buttons as "A" through "D", once you're in the label edit pane of the first button, literally you could type "A", F7, "B", F7, "C", F7, "D" -- with no other keystrokes or mouse clicks. This also works for other areas of button properties (e.g., IR codes, etc.).

It's not quite up there with sliced bread, but it is a handy time and mouse click saver.
Post 21 made on Wednesday September 21, 2005 at 20:47
Founding Member
August 2001
1. Uninstall all software

2. Reboot

3. Clean up registry

4. Reinstall the software

5. Reboot

I followed Lyndel's instructions to the letter and the installation was perfect.
Post 22 made on Thursday September 22, 2005 at 08:56
Founding Member
August 2001
On 09/21/05 20:47 ET, mburwen said...
I followed Lyndel's instructions to the letter
and the installation was perfect.

What program did you use to clean the registry? I've had some problems in the past trying to clean the registry....
Post 23 made on Thursday September 22, 2005 at 13:54
Founding Member
August 2001

What program did you use to clean the registry?

I used Norton Systemworks "One Button Checkup", but I'll bet Lyndel can give you some alternate suggestions.
Post 24 made on Thursday September 22, 2005 at 19:53
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Nope, I used regedit.exe. I'm a "real" power user. Simply did a search for "ProntoProEdit NG" and removed everything that looked suspicious.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 25 made on Saturday September 24, 2005 at 12:34
Long Time Member
February 2004
I don't suppose there is any hint of a new firmware for the RU950?
Post 26 made on Saturday September 24, 2005 at 15:44
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Have you looked on Philips' site? If it's not there, there's no hint.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 27 made on Saturday September 24, 2005 at 23:23
Long Time Member
July 2005
USB has become very unstable since I have ugrade the firmware from 3.7.7 to 3.8.11 on my TSU7000. It is to the point that I can not program the TSU device.

I upgraded to PPENG at the same time.

I have reinstalled the USB driver per Lyndel well laid out instruction in this post. I have to boot the computer down to get the USB to work now and it typically takes 2 or 3 communications to the TSU7000 and then the USB connection hangs and won't return unless a reboot of the computer occurs.

I was have some instability issues with the USB prior to the ugrading of software and firmware which is why I did the upgrade hoping that the USB might dissappear unfortunately it has only got significantly worse.

The USB physical connection appears to be recognised as there is no yellow explanation mark in device manager. When it hangs and I try and send anything to via the USB port I get "Communication with this device has failed. Please try again. (0300)"

Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.



This message was edited by fleetz on 09/24/05 23:32 ET.
Post 28 made on Sunday September 25, 2005 at 00:04
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

Anytime you are having USB problems, it's always helpful to know what OS and Service Pack Level you are running. See, Win98SE did have some USB issues that were fixed with later windows updates. However, it does not support USB 2.0. Also, it helps if you tell us exactly how you are connecting. For example:

1. Is cable connected directly to a USB jack either on the front or back of your PC. Is the USB jack mounted on the motherboard or cabled to the motherboard (you will need to look inside the computer to tell this one unless it's a laptop).

2. Is cable connected directly to the remote or running through the Docking Station? If through the DS, is power connected to the DS?

3. Are you using a USB Hub? If so, what type and is the remote connected through the hub? If so, does connecting directly to the PC solve your problem? If it does, the ProntoTeam will need to know what type of USB Hub and Model # you are using to attempt to reproduce.

So, it's not just as simple as it might seem. Plug and Play only gets you so far. I understand your frustration and I have been very fortunate in that my home-built PC has never had any problems with USB either with Win98SE or with WinXP Pro.

I did, however, have some driver issues with an internal modem when hyperthreading was enabled on my PC. Hence, old modem went into trashcan and new modem was purchased. Hardware is sometimes too cheap these days to spend 15 hours isolating a problem for a $29.95 part. USB hubs are around the same cost so before you buy, you might want to try a different PC (work PC perhaps) to see if it is an OS or hardware issue.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 29 made on Sunday September 25, 2005 at 00:51
Long Time Member
July 2005
On 09/25/05 00:04 ET, Lyndel McGee said...

Anytime you are having USB problems, it's always
helpful to know what OS and Service Pack Level
you are running. See, Win98SE did have some USB
issues that were fixed with later windows updates.
However, it does not support USB 2.0. Also,
it helps if you tell us exactly how you are connecting.
For example:

(Yes sorry I should have spat that out, see below all those details now revealed!)
1. Is cable connected directly to a USB jack
either on the front or back of your PC. Is the
USB jack mounted on the motherboard or cabled
to the motherboard (you will need to look inside
the computer to tell this one unless it's a laptop).

(It is a laptop)
2. Is cable connected directly to the remote or
running through the Docking Station? If through
the DS, is power connected to the DS?

(All combinations you have suggested have been tried, yes power connected and battery fully charged)
3. Are you using a USB Hub? If so, what type
and is the remote connected through the hub?
If so, does connecting directly to the PC solve
your problem? If it does, the ProntoTeam will
need to know what type of USB Hub and Model #
you are using to attempt to reproduce.

(No hub used, my Acer Ferrari laptop has 4 X USB ports all port do the same thing)
So, it's not just as simple as it might seem.
Plug and Play only gets you so far. I understand
your frustration and I have been very fortunate
in that my home-built PC has never had any problems
with USB either with Win98SE or with WinXP Pro.

(Glad to hear! I am running XP with SP2)

I did, however, have some driver issues with an
internal modem when hyperthreading was enabled
on my PC. Hence, old modem went into trashcan
and new modem was purchased. Hardware is sometimes
too cheap these days to spend 15 hours isolating
a problem for a $29.95 part. USB hubs are around
the same cost so before you buy, you might want
to try a different PC (work PC perhaps) to see
if it is an OS or hardware issue.

(All the USB devices printer, PDA, wireless mouse etc work no problems at all. The TSU7000 will work but something makes it hang. I have noticed that when the IR test function is used it hangs every time. )

Thanks for you input.....I was going on like a house on fire doing my first configuration then bang!


Post 30 made on Sunday September 25, 2005 at 04:46
Long Time Member
July 2005
I read the posts above and this is exactly the same issue that I am having. Exactly! Many hours and a with help from a friend who has his Honours in Computing Science and we couldn't get past this point where the USB communication somehow gets itself hung up and yet appears to be perfectly OK.

All the suggested tries and recommendations here also have been done. Totally frustrating. Can get the unit to work after rebooting computer but it might do 1 or 2 communications to the TSU7000 before hanging.

When the unit works from a reboot (which could also include a hard reset on the TSU) the "download from Pronto" can be quite stable, however after probably 9 or so hours of experimenting what I can tell you is that soon as you do a "Test IR" the commincation will hang 100 out 100 times, nothing will recover from here other that the PC and TSU reboot.

Done the reinstall USB driver no effect in stability. Only seen the Yellow explantion mark once, for all intention purposes the physical USB appears to be OK it look very much like a bug.

I had only used the following combination for about 4 or 6 hours
TSU7000 V2.1
Application Version 3.7.7
Database Version 3.52U
Bootloader Version Boot 4.25
and it was bullet proof, really happy as I had only recieved the unit a few days ago. Closed the computer last night and started this morning and from then on all the problems that are already stated started. Well it was bullet proof in this first sitting as I had not discovered the "Test IR" function......wish I hadn't now.

Went to the Pronto site and downloaded the following
TSU7000 V2.1
Application Version 3.8.11
Database Version 3.52U
Bootloader Version Boot 4.30
loaded the firmware and new PPENG and it does exactly the same thing. Reinstalled the USB driver again even though it wasn't reporting any issue and still no joy.

What we have found is that if you are in the "IR mode" and do more than two "Test IR" the system will hang. We have tried this many times without fail it will hang. We have got the same results on two seperate laptops, identical. The work around that my friend has found is as follows:

1. Hardware reset the TSU7000
2. In PPENG when the "IR mode" is envoked and you "Test IR" having captured a code set that you exit the "Add IR Code" dialog box after each "Test IR" is carried out. Do not repeat the "Test IR" more than two times in the same "Add IR Code" dialog box it will hang.
3. If you follow the steps in 2 you will not need to go to 1 again!

It appears that a buffer is not being cleared after each "Test IR" and may be causing the hang. By closing the "Add IR Code" dialog box it probably clears the buffer and doesn't go into overrun and ultimately hang. Well that the theory my computer expert friend has put forth whom without we would not have come up with the work around. (Thanks Michael!!)

The bottom line is that there is a BUG that Philips needs to resolve. How does one relay this to them as I have absolutley no joy in getting any response from them on a faulty hardware volume + button going through their customer support via their Pronto Philips site.

If someone who is well connected with Philips could pass this on as I believe this information will greatly assist them in resolving the communication issue that a number of people are experiencing. It is like any problem once you know what cause it the fix normally is not far away.

It has taken just on 10 man hours to arrive at the above positive conclusion. I would appreciate if the above information is of benifit to Philips that they arrange for someone from their customer support department to contact me about the volume button issue that is being totally is the least they can do.

I hope the above helps those people who already have posted the identical problem on this excellent remote control resource website.

I will also post this as a new thread just in case it gets missed. I believe this is important to get to the attention of those connect with the Pronto team.

Back to where I was 10 hours ago ...programming a configuration.......or maybe to bed!

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