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Can a Pronto do this ?
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Post 1 made on Friday January 29, 1999 at 17:03
Frederic Petitjean
Historic Forum Post
I have Panasonic SVHS VCR. I like to program it via Showview. I have to key in a certain number in the remote and then send the number (in one piece) to the VCR. Can a Pronto do this ? I also have a Philips SVHS where I have to send the digits one by one...I guess this is easier for a Pronto ?
Frederic, Belgium (who lives about 20min from the factory where they are produced but still has to order one from the USA...:-(

OP | Post 2 made on Friday January 29, 1999 at 17:32
George Mills
Historic Forum Post
I don't it can handle something like that (even with prontoedit), interesting problem.

Even though it is sent "in one piece" it might be a sequence of seperate IR codes, which would mean there may be a work around.

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