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Panasonic S-VHS really worth a Pronto?
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 28, 1999 at 08:49
Historic Forum Post
Thanks to everyone for the posting on the Panasonic S-VHS wheel problem with the Pronto. I currently have an RC-2000 MK1 and the wheel on the S-VHS VCR is the only thing the RC-2000 did not learn properly.

My dilemma is whether or not the Pronto is that much better to justify $399 in expense when I could just as easily buy another VCR for that kind of money and keep my RC2000...


OP | Post 2 made on Thursday January 28, 1999 at 09:49
jack schultz
Historic Forum Post
If ease of use for any user is your desired outcome, then Pronto is HANDS DOWN winner in the race. Custom icons, menu screens, etc. PC programmed (tick tick tick to superbowl sunday).
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday January 28, 1999 at 11:16
Steve Mahon
Historic Forum Post
My RC2K now sits in the same box as all my other unused remotes. Nuf said!
OP | Post 4 made on Thursday January 28, 1999 at 13:17
Historic Forum Post
Well...I recently got a new JVC S-VHS VCR, and was very happy with it, and my decision to buy that instead of the Pronto. Then I tried programming all of the new codes into my existing 8-in-1 remote. Guess what? I now have a new VCR and the Pronto.

Without a doubt the Pronto works great, has learned all the codes, is easy and a lot of fun to set up.

BTW - What is all this stuff about prontoedit and the superbowl?

OP | Post 5 made on Thursday January 28, 1999 at 13:37
Historic Forum Post
*****What is all this stuff about prontoedit and the superbowl?*****

Well, other than the Pronto making a commercial appearance, (Pulled out of a glove box as I recall), Superbowl Sunday is the last day of the Month. We should (knock on wood) have the software by then.

And I suppose there are alot of parties that day, so that gives the Pronto some 'show-off' time. =)

Unless of course there's something else I'm missing.


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