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Backlight Timeout Problem
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Post 1 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 16:19
Historic Forum Post
Is anyone else out there having this problem?

I went to the SETUP menu and set the screen
timeout to 20sec, and the Backlight timeout
to 10sec. However, I found that both the
screen and backlight go off together after
20sec in this configuration. Basically, it
seems like the Backlight timeout is ignored.

Is this a bug in the design? Or am I
misunderstanding what is supposed to happen?

OP | Post 2 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 17:23
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Here's how I understand it.

If the light level in the room is LOWER than the "backlight auto-enable" level set in the Setup screen the Backlight *and* the LCD will turn off according to the Backlight timeout.

If the light level is HIGHER the LCD will turn off according to the LCD timeout, and the Backlight will turn off indipendantly according to the Backlight timeout.

So, it sounds like you've got the minimum light level set too high. If you want the LCD to stay on longer then the backlight, adjust the light level LOWER. The cavet is the backlight will only come on when you push the button, but if the Pronto turns it on automatically it'll turn everything off again as well.
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 17:52
Historic Forum Post
this is done purposefully. consider a scenario in which user uses pronto in the dark. if backlight shuts off while LCD is left on, then the next touch panel "touch" could send off IR command(s). shutting off both at the same time guarantees that next LCD touch in the dark does not send IR command.
OP | Post 4 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 18:32
Phil B
Historic Forum Post
As Daniel said, if sensor is setup properly the LCD will turn off with the light in the dark (after the time you set for LCD off). So you won't send any unwanted signals.
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 21:00
Jan van Ee
Historic Forum Post
If the LCD timeout is longer than the backlight timeout and it is time to switch off the backlight, the Pronto checks the current light level. If the current light level is less than the level set in setup, the Pronto will re-arm the back light timer and will not switch off the backlight.

OP | Post 6 made on Tuesday January 26, 1999 at 21:03
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Jan: I have the Backlight timeout set to 30 seconds, and the LCD timeout set to 60 seconds. If the room's dark, everything shuts off at 30 seconds. Perhaps this is due to the slightly old software I'm running.
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday January 27, 1999 at 00:18
Jan van Ee
Historic Forum Post

I don't have access to the history file from here, but I remember there was a problem with the timeouts that was solved quite late in development. Anyway, what I described is the way it was meant to work, I'll have to check to see if it actually works like that... ;-)

By the way, as soon as ProntoEdit is up (and that should be any day now), you'll be able to upgrade your old Pronto to the latest firmware version.


OP | Post 8 made on Wednesday January 27, 1999 at 01:06
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Jan: Aha! Nice to see additional confirmation of ProntoEdit's release. I actually already have a beta version -- what I'm waiting for is the cable to arrive so I can *really* try it. I must say, it's fantastic, especially the Pronto emulator.

I know this is posted somewhere else in the forum a while back, but my Pronto is:

System v3.1 08/25/1998
App v4.0 08/25/1998
CCF USA V1.1 08/18/1998

If I recall, System is up to v3.2 and App is up to v4.2 or so. Question: where would I obtain the flash file from?
OP | Post 9 made on Wednesday January 27, 1999 at 01:30
jack schultz
Historic Forum Post

I get that the flash upgrade is IN ProntoEdit so patches can be done and improvements made on the fly. Remember how much trouble Sony wai n with their early (and many) Sat systems and they made all the corrections via the birds from the uplink facility. Very cool....very forward thinking.

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