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Serial Cable TSU6000
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 9, 2013 at 16:45
Lurking Member
November 2013
I have been looking for a pinout for a serial cable for my newly purchased TSU6000.

Reading through this forum I saw several references to this fourm's FAQ, stating that there was information for making a serial cable. Newbie here, so please be kind.

Where in the H#ll is it? Must be blind but I can not find anything referencing a serial cable, except for how to use HyperTerminal.

Can anyone throw me a rope?


Post 2 made on Sunday November 10, 2013 at 10:58
Long Time Member
April 2004
Take a look at line B3-01, that should help!

RC9500, RC5400, RU940 & Pronto Neo, Windows Vista.
Post 3 made on Sunday November 10, 2013 at 14:40
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Instead of building one, you might want to go to a photo store and buy a serial cable for an old Toshiba digital camera (I think that's the one the FAQ mentions).
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 4 made on Sunday November 10, 2013 at 17:17
Lurking Member
November 2013

That's what I was looking for.
Post 5 made on Friday February 14, 2014 at 20:46
Advanced Member
December 2013
On November 9, 2013 at 16:45, donstephens said...
I have been looking for a pinout for a serial cable for my newly purchased TSU6000.

Reading through this forum I saw several references to this fourm's FAQ, stating that there was information for making a serial cable. Newbie here, so please be kind.

Where in the H#ll is it? Must be blind but I can not find anything referencing a serial cable, except for how to use HyperTerminal.

Can anyone throw me a rope?



I actually just pinned mine out this week when my cable died. You can also use the same cable from a Speaker Craft LTM-1.0.

I never knew it used a double ground, but I guess that explains to four pins. Do you still need a pin out? I think all these old serial cable pin outs should b posted on here. I have 3-4 different ones I am currently using.
Post 6 made on Friday February 14, 2014 at 20:52
Advanced Member
December 2013
On November 10, 2013 at 14:40, Lyndel McGee said...
Instead of building one, you might want to go to a photo store and buy a serial cable for an old Toshiba digital camera (I think that's the one the FAQ mentions).

I didn't know about the FAQ. I never noticed it. According to the pin out, can I use a standard 3 con. to db 9. It says it's not the same as the home theater master remotes. In fact, a splice with a pair swap would make it the same. Would that actually work? I am running low on MX-850 cables.... I am trying to decide If i want to cut mine to find out.
Post 7 made on Friday February 14, 2014 at 22:31
Advanced Member
December 2013
I am actually going to go ahead and confirm this. And it is actually really good to know, because I feel like the 3 con 1/8" jacks are much easier to find than the 3, even though I know URC uses the 4 con (with a dead RD (the tip)).

Here's what I have.

Elan HA-CB-308 (DB9 Female to RJ 45).

With a cat 5 terminated T568A, the pin out would be:

pin 2 = white blue
pin 3 = orange
pin 5 = blue

(if you prefer B)

pin 2 = white blue
pin 3 = green
pin 5 = blue

I have a URC standard 3.5mm"-3.5mm" stereo mini cable used for their RF antennas. It pins out as follows: (Top to bottom)

Tip: White
Ring 1 = Red
Sleeve = Black

So to my cat 5:

white to white blue
red to orange
black to blue.

Connect with Keyspan USA-19HS and have a functional pronto TS1000 replacement cable.

I'm sure everyone's been holding their breath since 1998. I certainly appreciate the help as my ring #1 stopped working on my pronto cable.

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