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DEAD NEVO: Battery Not Taking Charge
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 25, 2007 at 15:34
Long Time Member
July 2003
Curious if anyone has had a battery failure in their Nevo. I've owned mine now for just over a year - really like it, and have never had a problem. However, about a week ago, it seemed to have stopped taking a charge. I've kept it both in the cradle and also hooked up to the computer via USB. In both cases, the battery icon indicates a charge in progress, but as soon as it's disconnected, I get a low power warning, or a message indicating a main battery failure. At this point, I can't even get it to come on at all - it's dead. HELP! I bought the unit from a retailer that didn't insist on me being a licensed installer or require me to also buy configuration services. So I don't know where to go to get help, and I'm just a few weeks over my 1-year warranty period.
Post 2 made on Thursday January 25, 2007 at 17:07
Select Member
January 2004
If your retailer won't help you, you're probably going to have to send it back to Nevo. That's how they handle battery changes. Unless you're brave, and feel like tearing it apart (supposedly some screws under the rubber feet). If you do the latter, please post to us and let us know your experience. Also let us know your experience dealing with Nevo on sending it back.

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