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Topic: | Old Nevo training This thread has 10 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Thursday June 17, 2021 at 20:34 |
Redbiker98 Regular Member |
Joined: Posts: | November 2020 209 |
I remember when UEI first introduced the Nevo line. I went to one of the first training classes offered in Houston. They had three trainers up there touting how wonderful Nevo was, and how much better it was than URC, RTI, and Pronto. They didn't let up there, they kept on bashing the other brands. After the training was over, I stayed until most of the other dealers had left. I let them know that the amount of negativity towards the other brands was a bit over the top, that all of the dealers in there sold those other brands. I said that your remote is nice and does indeed have some very cool features, but it would be better to focus on a more positive training than a negative one. They informed me that their method of training worked for them.
No, no it didn't work for them.
Post 2 made on Sunday July 4, 2021 at 14:54 |
brodyboy Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2008 375 |
I don't think their demise was the result of training.
It was simply that high-end custom remotes were always a niche market, and if it wasn't already shrinking when they entered the fray, it soon would be. Between Harmony remotes filling the need for most consumers and TV, receiver, or cable remotes incorporating universal features, the niche became "nichier." UEI just decided to leave that lane and stick to the their more profitable products.
I still have not found a handheld remote that I like as well as the Nevo Q50. (Maybe the Savant X2? But that system its own limitations.) Of course it's awfully long in the tooth now....with its relatively low-res screen, lack of IP control, and no support whatsoever, no one should get a used one and newly opt for Nevo. But it's still, IMO, an ideal combination of size, weight, and adequate (but not too many!) buttons, with outstanding programming flexibility. To this day, I can program a Q50 to control virtually any new device I buy.
I really wish there were some equivalent product on the market today.
Post 3 made on Thursday July 15, 2021 at 17:21 |
RemoteQuest Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2008 245 |
Me too on all of your product points. I am doing fine with my Q50, having bought as many as I could find on eBay along with the NC50. Some others were bought just for parts, etc. I have a box full of stuff! Someday, I am going to have to find a newer platform. I love my hard buttons and a screen....
Post 4 made on Sunday July 18, 2021 at 15:30 |
brodyboy Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2008 375 |
On July 15, 2021 at 17:21, RemoteQuest said...
Me too on all of your product points. I am doing fine with my Q50, having bought as many as I could find on eBay along with the NC50. Some others were bought just for parts, etc. I have a box full of stuff! Someday, I am going to have to find a newer platform. I love my hard buttons and a screen....
Dave As the custom market has evolved in recent years, is there anything that has tempted you? I keep looking, because I know it's only a matter of time before I'm forced to switch. I do wish I could find a good "modern" replacement before then. The trend that seems most "threatening" to the Q50 is IP as the only CI option. Serial ports and hardwired IR are my bread-and-butter with the Q50, as I prefer not to affix blasters to my components. I rarely see IR ports anymore, and serial ports seem less common as well. As a side question, Dave....what is the easiest way to replace an aging Q50? I.e., is it best to set another one up as an identical 2nd remote for a room, or to replace the aging Q50 with another as the primary? Not sure how to do that.
Post 5 made on Saturday November 20, 2021 at 11:40 |
RemoteQuest Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2008 245 |
Sorry for not replying sooner. Don't come here very often.
I am right in the middle of the process today, re: your question. I picked up a brand new unit a month ago for a very good price. Now I am trying to remember all of the stuff...
I came here to look at some of my older posts when I was having trouble updating the firmware a few years ago. I am having the same problem today...
I think I will remove the other unit from the NC50 and just put one new unit back in. It does allow multiple controllers and I recall they co-exist fine.
But I am having some issues with the current Q50 and not quite sure if it is the controller or the NC50. I'm leaning toward the Q50 being the problem.
So, off to review why I am having trouble with the firmware update. The new unit has old firmware and I seem to recall having a similar problem a few years ago, which I was able to resolve and I think I left some notes in a post back then. Some of it may have been due to Win 10, not quite sure...
I'll send my email via a PM.
Post 6 made on Sunday November 21, 2021 at 14:56 |
brodyboy Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2008 375 |
Thanks for your email, Dave. I appreciate the ability to contact you if I need to...Nevo knowledge is a rare commodity these days! Haha
I have a hard time seeing how one could do any Nevo firmware updates at this point. As I recall, their update process was "on demand," i.e., the firmware was downloaded and installed in real time from their servers, not downloaded and saved for installation at some future point.
Obviously, NevoStudioPro can't phone home anymore. So it seems you'd have to somehow extract the firmware from an updated unit, and then "trick" the program into searching for the firmware file in a different (local) location. Both tasks are WAY above my paygrade!
It's an interesting challenge. Do post here if you happen to find a way to do it!
Post 7 made on Tuesday January 4, 2022 at 00:55 |
Agree what was said above. Why they didn’t just open this up to everyone would have helped their bottom line (they would have to made the v3 gui more friendly though if they did). They might have made their custom people mad but they might still be in business with this iteration.
I’ve looked at all the available remotes and the Q50 stills the best IMO for all the features I need. Voice control only thing missing I guess. But I’ve seen the Xfinity X1 voice and it’s not great.
I’ve taught myself almost everything with Q50 S70 and NC50. Drop me a note if you need some help. I might not know it all though.
The Q50 firmware update should be in the v3 StudioPro software. If there is a newer one, I’d be interested if someone has it. I need the last NC50 firmware update if someone has that.
Post 8 made on Tuesday January 4, 2022 at 01:03 |
I was just reading about reading firmware in ROM chips to get a firmware patch for the NC50. It’s above my pay grade too. I might be able to hack my way thru it but it would take a whole lot of time and may not work out in the end. Surely someone has the last NC50 firmware update they can share!
Post 9 made on Friday April 15, 2022 at 00:01 |
RemoteQuest Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2008 245 |
Hey Guys, I should visit here more often. Re: recent posts from me and you guys...I was having a bit of a senior moment with the NevoStudio software regarding what I thought was a firmware update issue. It was me forgetting that older Nevo units, which were new in box and/or never updated, don't usually need firmware updates, they need NevoStudio software updates. Duh! Used to know this stuff cold, now dealing with senior brain farts....LOL - Got it all working well with a brand new Q50 and brand new NC50. The older pair were doing a lot of weird stuff. I think it was the NC50 acting up. Likely from too many rural power blips.. But all good now! Thx Dave
Post 10 made on Thursday June 9, 2022 at 19:02 |
I dropped my Q50 remote and it stopped working. I have several others as well as new NC50. These NC50s do need some sort of firmware update and I can’t get the nc50 to connect with nevostudio pro v3 to do that. Can anyone tell me how to connect the nc50 to NS pro?
Post 11 made on Sunday August 14, 2022 at 11:26 |
RemoteQuest Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | October 2008 245 |
Recall you power the NC50 and connect it to usb on your computer which has NSP. Open up the config you have and on the right pane, at the top, there is a tab for the NC50 (maybe named differently) and there is an icon to update firmware. I believe the firmware needed exists within NSP. This is off the top of my head, not in front of NSP.
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