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External Antenna for Nevo NC-50 for disconnections with Q50, S70.
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 23, 2021 at 12:39
Long Time Member
October 2008
Not many folks left here any more but thought I would pass this on.

If you are having trouble with your Nevo NC-50 being out of range from your Q50 or S70 remote, I have an inexpensive solution. Plus there was a time where the antennas on the NC-50 were defective and causes a lot of disconnections, etc.

I bought some NC-50's on eBay to continue to extend my system and got a few likely with bad antennas, as the Q50 would constantly lose connection. Even as close as 10'.

Might be bad antennas or possibly other RF interference.

So, here is a great, inexpensive solution. The disconnects have stopped and I have 50' range and can even go outside as needed, when playing music outside,


This one has the correct connector for the NC-50 and has a 6' cable. There is one with 15' cable. Price was right at $15.

Post 2 made on Wednesday April 14, 2021 at 18:45
Long Time Member
June 2010
Cool...I’ll order one. My nc50 is in rack so I created an antenna myself.. yours looks better. Btw I love my nevo system. Running lots of zwave devices and a large McIntosh atmos home theater using a Lyngdorf MP60 av mine is pretty current. If it could do voice, I’d never leave it.

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