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q50 and s70 both controlling an nc50?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 11, 2017 at 19:21
Long Time Member
January 2010
I'm sure this is pretty obvious but my initial attempts destroyed my old nc50!

I've just bought a replacement over ebay and set it up as before and works great with my q50 after I setup the new nc50 in the nevo ecosystem (in NSPro) and update my q50.

Then I need to pair it with the nc50 and all good!

I can do similar with my s70 and it works great too, but... the q50 doesn't anymore.

I'm sure this must be doable and I'm just being dim here, but the only pdf instructions I can find only refer to one controller.

Can someone please explain?

Post 2 made on Monday January 1, 2018 at 12:50
Lurking Member
December 2008
I managed to get this working ...

1. It's essential that the configurations for both your Q50 and S70 are in the same job file.

2. Download each configuration to the corresponding remote.

3. Set up one remote (say, the Q50) as the primary controller with your NC-50, in the normal way, and do the usual Optimise.

4. Then you can add the S70 as another Z-Wave device. On both the Q50 and the S70, select the advanced options and go into Ecosystem / Configure / Add.

5. You should then be able to select Send (Q50) or Receive (S70) and the two remotes will talk to each other. You should then need to optimise the S70 (possibly the Q50 as well).

6. Both remotes should then work with your system. Don't forget that each remote has no clue about what the other is doing, so avoid clashes of operation.

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