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NevoStudio and Nevostudio Pro questions.
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Post 1 made on Wednesday February 15, 2017 at 07:28
Long Time Member
January 2010
Hi all
After relying on my Nevo SL for some years, the battery has started to fade and some cracks in the casing lead me to picking up a Q50 second hand.

I had hoped to be able to just export my devices and IR commands etc from one to the other but I can't seem to work it all out - any suggestions please?

I realise that it may be partly down to the fact that I can no longer access the online registration for both the NevoStudio and Nevostudio Pro which therefore restricts certain functions - does anyone know how to fully activate the software?

Many thanks!
Post 2 made on Saturday April 8, 2017 at 11:35
Super Member
March 2008
On February 15, 2017 at 07:28, Northwinds said...
does anyone know how to fully activate the software?

Just time travel back to 2010 and you should be fine.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
Post 3 made on Monday July 31, 2017 at 23:01
Long Time Member
July 2017
It did not work... I just changed date and time on both my Win XP version and Windows 10 and tried to use Nevo Studio Pro and Nevo 2.0...

Any other idea?
Johnny Garcia
Post 4 made on Monday July 31, 2017 at 23:05
Long Time Member
July 2017
Did you manage to activate you Studio Pro software? Could you pls advise?
Johnny Garcia
Post 5 made on Tuesday August 1, 2017 at 04:28
Long Time Member
April 2008
You cannot activate it at this point, as there is no "mother ship" for the program to contact. There's no company to communicate with. (Edit: Let me clarify....UEI exists, of course, and there's even a "Nevo" that does some other stuff. But the entire line of Nevo remotes we discuss here has long since been discontinued and all associated company support sites shut down.)

But I am able to use unactivated installations of NSP 3.0. Obviously, we've lost conveniences like online device databases, but with a little more work, we can still do almost everything we did before.

I never used NevoStudio (I started with NSP when the Q50 came out), so I'm only spitballing....maybe there's no way to do it, or an easier way...but I would try the various export options. If you can't export the whole job file as something NSP can open, maybe try exporting just the particular configuration...? Maybe save each of your devices into your personal device library, then start a new job in NSP and import those?

Even if you can't carry over the whole job or configuration, I'd think you can save the devices. It's still tedious if you have to reconstruct your control setup, but having your device command sets available would make it a lot easier.
Post 6 made on Wednesday August 2, 2017 at 07:28
Long Time Member
July 2017
Not a chance... any command requests registration to be used! Have you ever registered yours copy in the past? Maube it unlocked it sice then! I used the sofware in the past, but now I instalked the software from zero... maybe you could send your NEVO Studio copy for me to test it? Maybe yours is different than mine!
Johnny Garcia
OP | Post 7 made on Saturday September 16, 2017 at 15:31
Long Time Member
January 2010
I'm guessing the unlocking involved a registry entry, no?
Post 8 made on Thursday April 5, 2018 at 12:08
Lurking Member
April 2018
I am owner of Q50 and Q70. Unfortunately it appears to day that it is no more possible to enter HEX files or to teach codes through an other remote (LOGITECH)
Same problem with the two remotes, programmed without problem some years ago
I have the original NSP CD, I use WINDOWS7 and XP, remotes are connected and I can create pages, buttons, etc ... excepted learning functions !
Do you have the same problem?
Waiting for your help
Post 9 made on Friday October 26, 2018 at 21:13
Long Time Member
June 2010
Not sure what you guys are doing. I’m using the software and learning features just fine under Win10. The software does lock on occasion but there is a work around for that. Just google and u will find it. I can post it if you’d like.
Post 10 made on Friday February 22, 2019 at 16:25
Long Time Member
October 2008
Hey guys, amazing there is still some life left in the Nevo platform!! I am still a big fan and have many new units in boxes just for my future needs!!  Hate to give it up.  No longer involved in the industry just a user now.

I had NSP for Q50 working on my new Win 10 computer about 2 years ago but I think some update killed it. There is a very good post here on how to get it on Win 10 and I used that originally with no problems.

But I tried to follow the instructions again but could not get it to work. Anyone have any new ideas?  In the meantime, I am using a older Win7 laptop to adjust programming if I need to. I hate to feel I have to keep an older Win7 box running just to fix programming on my Nevo Q50.

Thx DD
Post 11 made on Saturday July 23, 2022 at 15:28
Junior Member
July 2022
I realise this is an old thread, but having just picked up a NevoSL I've been fighting Nevo Studio on my Windows 11 machine! I found a thread here to make it work on Windows 10, and that worked, I have it running now :)

I haven't tested stuff extensively as I'm still waiting for my SL to actually arrive BUT - in terms of registration - if you add key DigitalSignature to the registry it stops the registration window from appearing every time you open Nevo Studio!

Download NevoStudio.reg I uploaded here and just double click it and say YES to enter it into reg.

Contents of file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


UserName string is base64 encoded. "ZW1haWxAYWRkcmVzcy5jb20=" decoded is simply "[email protected]"

If you don't want to download just add this manually:
Goto: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\UEI\Nevo\NevoStudio\Settings
and add new string

Since that alone stops the reg wizard showing when opening.
Post 12 made on Tuesday November 1, 2022 at 18:51
Junior Member
October 2022
Do you have the registry code for a NevoStudio Pro installation?

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