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Q50 System Settings
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 4, 2014 at 21:11
Long Time Member
June 2004
I recently programmed a customer's Nevo Q50. I was able to download the Nevo Studio Pro 3.0, installed it on a Windows 7 computer. No problems. I got the computer to load the device driver for it after starting the Windows Mobile Device Center(activesync).

I could upload the configuration, edit it to add a Sony BluRay player. Everything was working fine.

Now the client complains that the Q50 does not goto sleep, even on the cradle.

Here are the settings in Nevo Studio
In the System Settings: On Battery Power
Turn Nevo Q50 off after idle for: 1 minute
Turn Backlight off after idle for: 30 seconds

On AC Power
Turn Nevo Q50 off after idle for: 10 minute
Turn Backlight off after idle for: 30 seconds

Does anyone know why the Q50 screen does not goto sleep?
Is there a way to change the settings on the remote itself, a settings menu, and how to access it without a computer?

Post 2 made on Wednesday February 5, 2014 at 09:56
Active Member
December 2004
top of remote, touch the home page. It will expand to show About, Settings, and Time. Select settings and go to backlight
No job to small, many to big

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