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Nevo S70 Please Help - USB Not Recognize - Powers Off
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Post 1 made on Tuesday October 23, 2012 at 06:25
Lurking Member
October 2012
Hello you all. Love the help I've seen people get so far. Maybe you all can help. I have searched high and low.

I have a Nevo S70. It looks brand new. Has box and everything. Installed NSP. Upgraded to most current version. I am using Windows XP (SP3)

So it didn't have a battery, so I bought one on ebay. It came. I tried to charge the unit but it doesn't. When you place it on the cradle, it loads up the splash screen... then turns off.

When you plug it into the USB port of my computer, the screen turns white and the USB device is not recognized.

When you place it on the cradle and as it turns on, hold down the scroll button, the unit goes into USB mode.

When you then plug the unit into the computer, a new drive letter shows up, however it still doesn't seem like its recognized because the NSP program doesn't really see it.

I did what they recommended on their forums on the nevo site, ([Link:]) by putting the remote into USB download mode by powering off and then powering on the remote while pressing and holding the scroll wheel.The screen should indicate USB download mode at the top of the touch screen.(which it does) Then re-activate the Firmware update Wizard within NevoStudio Pro 3.0 and instead of selecting all firmware types (Eboot, ROM, Nevo App, Z-Wave) select each one independently and restart the Firmware Update Wizard for each firmware type.

Well as I place it in that mode, and run the firmware update, the software will find the unit, but it takes a minute, then has nothing listed under "Current", for all 5 (Eboot, ROM, Nevo Version, Blaster, Z-Wave) then it has checkmarks behind Eboot, ROM, Nevo Version)

When I update them one at a time, it seems to load a new eboot, but then it asks to plug the unit back into USB mode to verify and it never is able to verify it.

Same with the ROM. Seems to install, the remote says its installing, then it hangs.

With the Nevo firmware, it never even starts the process because it cannot see the unit.

When I plug it into and computer, it isn't found.

I do have active sync on this computer, but it doesn't see the remote.


Thank you!
Post 2 made on Sunday November 17, 2019 at 08:38
Lurking Member
January 2010
Hello everybody!
I have a S70 remote and NSP 3. Everything worked well (at least for about 8 years ago) then it started to reboot and loss battery capacity. I havent used it since then.
Last week I picked it up and gaved it a new try
I looked in this forum for possible resons to my problem and found that it was the button under the plastic cover on the remote that didnīt put the button down proberly. I fixed it with a piece of wood glued to the plastic piece that push on the button. Thanks to this forum!
But the next problem I donīt solve. Iīve read all threads in this forum about connection problems and my problem is that i canīt connect to my computer with USB. This is the same computer that runs the NSP 3 and Iīve used it to connect via USB earlier (8 years ago).
I changed the USB cable- no difference.
I tried to establish a wifi connection, but didnīt get it to work.
Please help me to solve the connection problem!
When I connect the S70 remote to the computer via USB cable, a beep sound appears. Then, when I press download configuration a window pops up that says Please connect Nevo...
Any solutions anybody?
I`m not a professional installer, but back in the days I worked with proffessional installers here in Sweden.
Thank you in advance!

Last edited by Svante on November 17, 2019 09:26.

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