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will anyone kindly take a look?
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 25, 2012 at 15:49
Long Time Member
September 2010
Hi chaps. I am no slouch when it comes to Nevo Studiopro 3.0 and the Nevo S70 and have programmed it many times for new/different pieces of equipment but I am having some real difficulty in my latest project.

I am running a DF Solution Base media server and want to be able to browse and select music from the Base on the remote without having to power up the projector all the time.

I am pretty sure it can be done and there is an iphone/ipad app by DF that does it but as I take my iphone and ipad to work with me every day my wife can't access the music easily. DF have kindly supplied me with a document that covers all the IP commands to the server and the expected responses but I'm not sure where to begin writing a widget.

If I supplied a copy of the IP doc would someone be able to point me in the right direction for sorting the widget out. I know this is a big ask but I am genuinely baffled and have been trying for literally months.

Thanks in advance,

Post 2 made on Thursday March 8, 2012 at 10:37
Long Time Member
March 2011
Does the unit serve up a web page for handheld devices? If so you can use the s70 browser.

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