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Whoo Hoo...! The Habs beat the Penguins..!
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Post 1 made on Thursday May 13, 2010 at 09:30
Super Member
August 2006
This time around Anthony, I completely agree with you about the balanced play. Even in the dying moments of game 7 the defence was doing a half decent job of getting puck out of the zone, and away from the shooting lanes...

I'm almost afraid to say it, but in theory the rest of the possible match ups should be an easier ride for the Habs...

I'm kinda hoping Philly pulls off the come back and makes it to the Habs. We have a worse record against them but I'm hoping that will keep everyone in the right mind set.
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 2 made on Saturday May 15, 2010 at 09:49
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I'm almost afraid to say it, but in theory the rest of the possible match ups should be an easier ride for the Habs...

it is hockey, you can never take it for granted. I am sure that is how Caps and Pits felt. And yes Philly is #7 but we where #8 we both proved we can play supposedly better teams and win. That is one of the good things about Hockey. Especially in the est. There are a lot of strong teams and anyone in the top 10 could be contenders.

And let's face it, anyone that made it to this round beat 2 other teams.

I'm kinda hoping Philly pulls off the come back and makes it to the Habs. We have a worse record against them but I'm hoping that will keep everyone in the right mind set.

I would have been more nervous with Boston. For me the rivalry between the two clubs would have driven the Boston team much more. Even though, like you point out, the record is in our favour they would be more unpredictable.

This time around Anthony, I completely agree with you about the balanced play. Even in the dying moments of game 7 the defence was doing a half decent job of getting puck out of the zone, and away from the shooting lanes...

I missed part of the last 10min. I was at a bar with friends and it was decided that it would be hard to leave DT after the game was over. Also at 5-2 a come back was unlikely. But I had just missed my bus by the time I got to the terminal but luckily there where TVs showing the game there so I saw the last couple of minutes or so.

The first half was beautiful, good hockey by both teams. But I think after it was 4-0 the habs kind of slacked off for a bit. Defence was good but no offence, and good offence is a good defence. It seamed that the team tried to make sure there where no good hshots then trying to score. And if you play that defensively it can lead to trouble. I think Pittsburgh’s second goal was a nice one. But the first one pissed me off and ruined the game for me. Don't get me wrong Kunitz made a nice goal but I think there is something wrong when the ref should get the assist (and in this time literally since he kicked the puck to him for the one timer). I think what bugged me most about it is that all playoffs long, and not only against the habs, the refs have shown distinct bias. Now in this game in the first period the officiating looked good, so I was thinking they might have decided to allow real hockey for a change. But then that happened, the ref using his skate to direct the puck to the guy in front of the net.

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