Hey Dom.
I don't think we've met yet, but I have a feeling this is related to a discussion I am having with Samsung right now, so when one of my guys saw this I wanted to reach out.
Samsung reached out to us last week. I believe we updated most of the commands for the series you specified, and requested for Samsung to confirm if the direct input commands are the same as on the retail products since I don't have a commercial version in the office to test, or your contact info. As an example I have three Samsung TVs in my home now, and have direct Input access to the HDMI inputs. I asked for your contact info as well, since I figured we could hop on a call and have you test the codes immediately. I'm sorry that your discussion with them hasn't been super easy, but I will say internally they reached out to enough people to get me looped in, and they've been responsive to our request for codes so hopefully that makes you feel a bit better.
They should be working on it now, but I am happy to provide myself as a contact for you, for this or anything else you might need. Our dealers know we are pretty responsive, so if you aren't on our webinars or dealer portal, we should get you set up.
Shoot me a message, or feel free to email me directly at
[email protected] and we can set up a time that's convenient. As a point of reference since you've been dealing with Samsung, I head up installer services for Harmony, and have about 18+ years in the industry, so I always love a chance to talk shop with our installers.
Have a great evening, and let me know how I can help.
Brett Bjorkquist
Head of Installer Services
[email protected]