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MX-980 custom buttons
This thread has 18 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 19.
OP | Post 16 made on Friday January 29, 2016 at 18:48
Long Time Member
October 2012
On January 28, 2016 at 18:32, Guyguay said...
Any help please

I'm not very well-versed in command line programs and I don't use them very often. It seems like every time I do, I forget how to do certain things and have to relearn what I'm doing.

Duct Tape is absolutely right about needing the readme file to know the commands that it will accept. You also have to know how to enter those commands in the correct folders and subfolders. You'll have to jar old memories of typing things like cd.. to back out of directories and change the path.

Sorry I'm not more help. I'm sure a good "command line" guy could explain it simply.

I created my own readme file for a reference to help me. I don't know if it will help but I'll post it.
OP | Post 17 made on Friday January 29, 2016 at 18:54
Long Time Member
October 2012
This is my cheat sheet I created.

To extract individual files from a ColFile.vfd (example: URC CCP default images):

the .vfd program is in a VFD folder in the C:\ directory. In there, I created a folder called test. I also copied a .vfd file and renamed it test.vfd.

open a command prompt and type cd.. until at the C:\> prompt. type cd VFD for the VFD directory (ex. C:\VFD>). type VFDTools.exe -x "C:\VFD\test" "C:\VFD\test.vfd"
- VFDTools.exe -x (-x is the command to extract) "C:\VFD\test" (this is the destination directory folder) "C:\VFD\test.vfd" (this is the filename of the .vfd file to extract)

To pack individual files into a .vfd file

if the extracted files (images) are in a folder called test and I want to create a .vfd file called test2.vfd:

open a command prompt and type cd.. until at the C:\> prompt. type cd VFD for the VFD directory (ex. C:\VFD>) type VFDTools.exe -p "C:\VFD\test" "C:\VFD\test2.vfd"
-VFDTools.exe -p (-p is the command to pack) "C:\VFD\test" (this is the source folder of individual files) "C:\VFD\test2.vfd" (this is the desired filename for packed .vfd file)
Post 18 made on Saturday January 30, 2016 at 07:52
Long Time Member
November 2012
thank you Shaner

It is working

I will keep your cheat sheet
OP | Post 19 made on Saturday January 30, 2016 at 13:40
Long Time Member
October 2012
You're welcome.
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