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MX-980 custom buttons
This thread has 18 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Wednesday May 22, 2013 at 21:11
Long Time Member
October 2012
Hopefully this is helpful and not a duplicate of someone else's post...
I was looking for a way to add some custom favorite channel icons to MX-980s in CCP software. I created some buttons (normal and pressed state) using blank buttons exported from CCP editor.
I know that I can import the normal and pressed states in the properties tab but I wanted to find a way to do it more quickly. I found where the image collection is stored. It is a .vfd file named ColFile (in my laptop) at (C:), Program Files (x86), Universal Remote Control, Inc, Compete Control Program, MX-980, Images, Favorite Logos, TV Channels.
I created a new subfolder in the Images folder and dropped some of my buttons in there. They show up in CCP and I can drag them onto a page but it creates its own pressed state. It works but I wanted to see if I could use the pressed state(s) that I built.
I didn't see any easy way to open, and modify, the .vfd file; so I tried opening the .vfd file in text editor. I noticed a pattern with some of the text. For example: ABC L_N_3, ABC L_P_4. I assume N is for normal and P is for pressed. I don't know the significance of the numbers but I relabeled some buttons using the format and they show up in my created folder and my created pressed state is copied along with the normal state when dragged.
Post 2 made on Thursday May 23, 2013 at 19:49
Long Time Member
September 2009
The vfd file is a virtual floppy drive. There is a program out there VFDtools that will extract and repack the files to and from the .vfd files. I used to have it but lost it when my old laptop died. I either got it on this forum or URCs dealer site but I'm not sure which.
Post 3 made on Wednesday June 5, 2013 at 09:10
Select Member
March 2004
The download link for the VFDTools program can be found here.
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Post 4 made on Thursday June 6, 2013 at 20:47
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On June 5, 2013 at 09:10, Lowpro said...
The download link from Duct Tape's Mediafire account for the VFDTools program can be found here.  Duct Tape did not create the VFDTool program, but figured that since the guy who posted it never came back to answer questions about it, that he wouldn't mind if someone reposted it.

Post 5 made on Wednesday January 14, 2015 at 12:12
Lurking Member
April 2007
Hey this was a great idea! Thank you. It's such a time saver to be able to drag my buttons in instead of having to locate and upload two separate states. I do have one question though. When I drag my buttons over, they have a different text color, size, font, and alignment than URCs buttons. So when I drag a button over I have to change all those parameters. Are you aware of how to modify the default text for buttons I have created? That would be a HUGE help. Thanks
Steve Ogar
Custom Design and Installation
PH: (636) 532-0500 FAX: (636)532-3554
OP | Post 6 made on Saturday January 17, 2015 at 22:56
Long Time Member
October 2012

I'm not exactly sure how to quote someone else's post so I'll just include this to make sure that you know it's intended for you.

I'm not exactly sure what to tell you. I typically create my buttons to add TV channels that aren't in their collection. I just copied their blank buttons (left, right, pressed, normal) and then add resized logos on them. (I use the free program.) I've never needed to create new buttons with text so I don't know what font matches theirs the best. I guess I would need to see an example, especially to see what you mean about the size or alignment problem. Sorry about not being more help.
OP | Post 7 made on Saturday January 17, 2015 at 23:00
Long Time Member
October 2012
Thanks for the VFDTools program info. I was able to extract the images from a .vfd file and then pack them back into another .vfd file. I can see that being very helpful to add my own images into default collections.

...I'm thinking I might be able to add my own stuff to the MX-880 themes.
Post 8 made on Friday January 23, 2015 at 14:31
Lurking Member
April 2007
Shaner, thanks for the help, but I guess I didn't communicate my issue clearly. As far as creating the buttons themselves, I am creating them exactly the way you described. I am not creating them with any text on the button itself. Just adding an image to one of the blank buttons from the program's graphics. When I use the technique from the original post, everything works great. The folders appear along with the other folders in the program, the buttons work exactly like the standard ones, you can just drag them over and it will import both states. Here's the problem: when you drag over the standard buttons the default text settings (at least in my case) are Trebuchet MS Bold, Color:white, size:15, justification:bottom, and whatever the name of the button is appears in text on the button. When I drag over one of my buttons the text settings are Arial Bold, color:black, size:10, justification:middle, and no text appears on the button. I am wondering if there is any way I can get it to where it imports the same text settings on my buttons as changing a bunch of text settings every time I import a button becomes tedious and time consuming. If you or anyone else for that matter have any insight on how to do that it would be appreciated immensely. Thank You.
Steve Ogar
Custom Design and Installation
PH: (636) 532-0500 FAX: (636)532-3554
OP | Post 9 made on Saturday January 31, 2015 at 18:32
Long Time Member
October 2012
I'm thinking that the image is completely separate from the button text (as far as CCP is concerned) and is looking elsewhere for properties for its font, size, position, etc.

If you look in the Images folders you will find a Font.ini file in a lot of the default themes. It looks like the Font.ini file is what tells the buttons what text properties to have. I get to all my theme folders at: C:/Program Files(x86)/Universal Remote Control, Inc/Complete Control Program/MX-980/Images...

I copied the .ini file into a folder with some of my .png images but it didn't help. Then I remembered that all the default themes have been packed into .vfd files. (There is another thread that has a link to a VFDTools.exe program that will extract/pack files out of/into .vfd files. It's a command line interface.) I created a new folder called Test in the Images folder and created a Buttons folder in there. I used the VFDTools.exe program to pack a bunch of my created .png files into a .vfd file I named test.vfd. I put that file in the Buttons folder. I copied the Font.ini file from the Alpha/Buttons folder and put it in my Test/Buttons folder. Now, when I drag my buttons from the Test folder, they have the Trebuchet MS/15 font by default.

Hope that helps.

Here is the link the the VFDTools.exe program: [Link:]
OP | Post 10 made on Tuesday February 3, 2015 at 19:18
Long Time Member
October 2012
Additional note:

If you open the Font.ini file in a text editor, it shows the font, size, etc.

I assume that if you wanted to change the default font, you could just modify the file.
Post 11 made on Sunday March 29, 2015 at 12:58
Senior Member
June 2004
Thanks for the info, guys. I never knew what a .vfd file was until now. The command line program actually works great.
Post 12 made on Thursday January 28, 2016 at 09:55
Long Time Member
November 2012
Hope someone can help me

I use Win 7 and downloaded vfdtools

When i extract to a folder , i obtain 7 files

when i click on Vfdtools.exe, i open a command box and disapear ½ second later and nothings happen

What is the way to make it work

thank you
Post 13 made on Thursday January 28, 2016 at 10:53
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On January 28, 2016 at 09:55, Guyguay said...
Hope someone can help me

I use Win 7 and downloaded vfdtools

When i extract to a folder , i obtain 7 files

when i click on Vfdtools.exe, i open a command box and disapear ½ second later and nothings happen

What is the way to make it work

thank you

don't click on the vfdtools.exe file.  you have to open up a command prompt and type in a command string.  there should be a readme file that explains what to type in.
Post 14 made on Thursday January 28, 2016 at 12:04
Long Time Member
November 2012
What could be an exemple of a command

Want to know how to

Post 15 made on Thursday January 28, 2016 at 18:32
Long Time Member
November 2012
Any help please
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