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Crestron and Sonos - grouping zones
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 19, 2020 at 11:40
Long Time Member
January 2007
In the past we've found that this doesn't work from the Crestron interface side of things. At least not at the outset of their partnership. From then, we've pretty much stuck to using ONE Port (source) to a distribution amp to get audio wherever it is wanted, and that worked well since grouping/synching issues sort of can't happen.

Is this still an OK way to do it, or can you group Sonos zones from outside of the actual Sonos app?
Post 2 made on Friday August 21, 2020 at 08:55
Select Member
October 2010
I don't believe there is a way to group sonos without using the sonos app. There hasn't been any additional integration control with the "partnership" since it happened.

Since Sonos has recently provided the firmware updates to use the S2 app all existing TSWs that you could direct load the sonos app has been broken (need to wait for the X70 panels) which really breaks the sonos/crestron "partnership".
You can't fix stupid
Post 3 made on Thursday December 17, 2020 at 11:47
Select Member
August 2004
On August 19, 2020 at 11:40, SWFLMike said...
In the past we've found that this doesn't work from the Crestron interface side of things. At least not at the outset of their partnership. From then, we've pretty much stuck to using ONE Port (source) to a distribution amp to get audio wherever it is wanted, and that worked well since grouping/synching issues sort of can't happen.

Is this still an OK way to do it, or can you group Sonos zones from outside of the actual Sonos app?

You can do this with the Sonos modules (not the imbedded Sonos app). My issue howevever, is that this has been a dissapointing partnership. I have tried the integration in all it's forms and most clients are VERY dissatisfied with it because with every update comes the potential for it to be broken. I love Crestron but I do not think they are agile enough to keep up with changes to Sonos along with their own developments.

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