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MX-6000 Transport Layer and IR DB Navigator Issue.
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Post 1 made on Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 15:40
Junior Member
February 2023
CCP 4.11.0412.1

I'm having a very strange problem with 2 devices (Verizon Fios (Arris) STB and Sony BD UBP-X800M2 .

The 'transport layer' IR macros will not fire the command for the device (CCP test or on the remote), however the same command works perfectly from the IR Database Navigator.

Even if I drag the IR command from the DB Nav. directly to the button it doesn't work when it placed on the button.

I've even completely deleted these devices and started over again with the same results.

How can the same IR command work from the DB Nav but not when on the transport layer?

Any ideal where to start debugging this?

Post 2 made on Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 18:00
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
First thing I would check = see if you happen to have a 'Punch Through' active on the pages. That would explain perfectly why it is acting the way it is. And the MX-6000 has 11 'Punch Through' options for each page.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 14:30
Junior Member
February 2023
On May 9, 2023 at 18:00, Brad Humphrey said...
First thing I would check = see if you happen to have a 'Punch Through' active on the pages. That would explain perfectly why it is acting the way it is. And the MX-6000 has 11 'Punch Through' options for each page.

Thanks for the hint. I've looked over my punches and I did have those 2 (and some others that are working) set Main to Main.

I think I'll be back on site next week, I'll let you know. If something isn't screwy with that setting for those devices, I'm probably going to perform a factory reset.

Thanks again Brad
OP | Post 4 made on Monday May 15, 2023 at 16:25
Junior Member
February 2023
Was back today and again same results.

As a last ditch effort I factory reset the remote and reloaded fresh. Actually made the remote a little more responsive, but I'm still left with the same 2 devices I cant control via the transport layer

(again works fine using the IR DB Navigator.)

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