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MX-890 and CCP
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 19, 2013 at 15:25
Sonnie Parker
Founding Member
December 2001
I am having a very difficult time getting the MX-890 setup with images (backgrounds and buttons).

For the Main device the pages are fine and can be programmed, labeled, etc.

When I create a new device, the background and buttons do not show up as they do in the Main device pages. I cannot get the same look as the pages on the Main device. If I add a background, once I add the buttons, the background disappears and a white background shows up. I try to add the background and it covers up the header and title bars... and all the buttons. I try to "Move to back" and messes everything up.

I have tried to copy the Main device page to a new device, but it does not copy the background.

I am guessing either I have a bad remote or the MX-890 is simply not ready for the CCP... or the CCP is not ready for the MX-890, or both... whichever.

Has anyone else had success getting an MX-890 setup?
Post 2 made on Saturday January 19, 2013 at 15:31
Loyal Member
July 2007
So having issues means that either the remote or program must be at fault?
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday January 19, 2013 at 20:48
Sonnie Parker
Founding Member
December 2001
Are you simply repeating what I have already said I was guessing the problem was to be sarcastic... or did you have something useful to add?
Post 4 made on Saturday January 19, 2013 at 21:30
Loyal Member
July 2007
I have plenty of useful info to add
Post 5 made on Sunday January 20, 2013 at 08:03
Loyal Member
July 2007
Ok, now that I am not on my phone, I can add more info. For starters, my original post was to more or less point out that there are three possible scenarios to which the cause of your issue can be. 1, hardware issue. 2, software issue. 3, programming issue. You left the last one out and that is the most likely cause. Not saying you cannot program, but it is ultimately the most likely cause. I have a thread myself with small issues I had with the programming that I ended up figuring out, as well as one that URC is looking at currently as they were not aware of this issue.

With all that said, it is difficult to say for sure what you have done incorrectly, assuming it is indeed a programming issue. When you started out with the programming, I assume you selected your device and base. During this process you select the theme. I like the look of Glass so lets say we use that.

Now when you Create your devices or activities, you select the theme with the buttons you wish to use. I match them up, so I would choose Glass again. Now you select Layouts for each device or activity you created. Highlight each one separately and again you have to select your theme. So to match the main page, lets go with Glass again. Now at this point, each device or activity will have the same look, with a different color background. If you wish to have the same color, go into each device or activity, click on the background so it highlights just the background. Now under properties (if you do not see the tab on the right, click on View on the top and select properties), you will see the image of the background in the bottom of the properties window. Select the import arrow under the image (green arrow pointing down). In the window that pops up, click on the pull-down menu and select "Buttons and Backgrounds". In the next pull down menu, select "Glass Gallery". Now you can select a new background. The Main page uses Back1, at least in the case of the Glass theme. That is really all you should have to do to have the background match in all pages.
Post 6 made on Sunday January 20, 2013 at 08:05
Loyal Member
July 2007
Also, if you want me to take a look at your file, and upload it to another MX-890 to rule out the remote as well, PM me and I will give you my email address to send the file.
Post 7 made on Monday January 21, 2013 at 03:16
Total Control Remotes
Super Member
July 2006
Are you syncing the device on a different PC/Laptop than you are creating the layout on?
OP | Post 8 made on Monday January 21, 2013 at 17:11
Sonnie Parker
Founding Member
December 2001
Thanks guys...

I am using the same laptop.

I have never had to use the import before with the 880 and 980... I simply copied and pasted the pages from one device to another and then relabeled the buttons. I just double checked and everything does copy from one page in one device to another page in another device on the MX-980... and they are all custom backgrounds and buttons. For some reason the background and battery indicator button would not copy from one device page to another device page, although everything would copy within the same device.

The quickest way I found was to create a new page in a device and then use the Overwrite Pages in Layouts to copy the background and buttons I selected for the Main pages, which showed up under the Favorites. Kind of a round about way I suppose, but it worked the easiest.
Post 9 made on Monday January 21, 2013 at 21:33
Long Time Member
February 2003
I successfully programmed an MX-890 with a dozen devices last week and am in the process of final final testing and tweaking.

The software does appear to have issues with moving buttons around between pages on a device, including the surprise white background you mention in post #1. Also, buttons may disappear or behave erratically. If you delete a button, you may not be able to add a new one. Sometimes you can't swap button positions on the SAME page. CCP can often crash once you are in the midst of these issues.

The workaround is laborious duplication of buttons and then copying and pasting between pages.

Eventually, you can figure out what works and what to avoid. The end result is a very nice remote IMO.

The background changing tips above are very handy, as I didn't find some of that.

Now I'd like to figure out how to import a couple of the devices from one 890 into another 890 (or other MX). I see the "Transporter", but can't get it to see anything but the Main pages of a saved 890 CCP file.

Edit: OK --- I figured out where to import a device, but now I can't properly link it to a new device button. I can manually add a new button on a Main page and a jump-link to the imported device --- but I don't know if that really creates a proper link. (With devices created through the program tab, the software is aware of the link, so that deleting either the button or the device warns you and deletes both. This does not happen with an imported device and manually created device button.)

Last edited by phillyc on January 21, 2013 23:56.
OP | Post 10 made on Tuesday January 22, 2013 at 18:34
Sonnie Parker
Founding Member
December 2001
Yep... those were some of the same things I was experiencing... not quite as easy as what I have been use to with the 880 and 980, but doable. It will be much easier going forward now that I know the workarounds.

I am impressed with the remote itself... very well laid out and a really good size and feel in the hand during operation. The lighting on the buttons does seem a bit soft.
Post 11 made on Wednesday January 23, 2013 at 11:57
Long Time Member
February 2003
More odd behavior:

Since there is no Favorites area on the MX-890, I want to use a couple of the Main hard buttons for quick access to some basic functions like toggling through receiver sound fields. My first choice was to use the four color buttons.

If I use those buttons for learned or aliased codes, they test OK through the remote connected to the notebook PC. BUT --- when the remote is disconnected, the codes no longer work!

Any of the other Main hard buttons can be used. Just not the four color buttons.
Post 12 made on Friday March 1, 2024 at 16:42
Junior Member
February 2024
I am having trouble trying to "Get from Remote" my data. It says connection error: unable to connect. Here's what I've done:

1. I unfortunately paid $10 at Driver One Download and supposedly got the amd64 update. I looked on my PC (its a surface) and it shows the amd64 is already there.

2. I went to a forum and looked up some kinda of fixer for the Active sync program Windows had in older system updates. I have W11. So the instructions didn't help me at all.

3. So paying Driver one, that didn't help. Having the amd64 on the machine doesnt help. So I can't get from the remote to look at the existing programming to fix just a few problems. (I'm anal, I want everything to work.)

So Any suggestions that don't cost me a fortune is welcomer! Thanks!

I'm sorry I posted this on another person's problem.
Post 13 made on Saturday March 2, 2024 at 12:09
Junior Member
February 2024
It is resolved. I didn't have a data cord in use to get/send to the remote. It's all good, except rer-learning the software!!

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