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MSC400 and CCP
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Post 1 made on Sunday December 13, 2009 at 23:34
Long Time Member
December 2005
I've been integrating a Russound CAV6.6 system using RS232 control. I use CCP to configure MX-6000 and MSC400 -- works great.

Problem is I've got a couple of MX-950 (still in great shape). I have been working on the MSC400 in CCP, dowloading to actual MSC400, uploading via standalone MSC400 software, saving MSC400 config to standalone file, and then using universal browser on that file within MX950 software to create triggers.

With recent updates to CCP and MSC software, this no longer works. The standalone msc software says the MSC400 has been updated with a later version and refuses to upload the configuration.

Does anyone know if this will be corrected with an update to the MSC software or maybe the MX950 universal browser will read a ccp?

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