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Post 32 made on Friday October 2, 2009 at 22:29
Lurking Member
October 2009
On May 9, 2009 at 17:40, The Robman said...
Try these instructions...

1) Press DVD or AUX
2) Press and hold SETUP, 2 flashes
3) Type 994, 2 flashes
4) Press (don't hold) SETUP
5) Type 082 or 00082 (see note below)
6) Press OK/SELECT, 2 flashes

Note: I don't know if your Atlas uses 3 or 5 digit "advanced codes" so you'll need to figure out whether it accepts 082 or 00082

I have the same problem. Damn those new Comcast remotes with the red Ok/Select button. Thanks for the fix Robman. But, does anybody happen to know the IR "Enter" code for a Panasonic DVD-CV47? I've been trying all different codes from 00010 - 00090 and have found other functions which I am documenting but no "enter" function as of yet.

On May 24, 2009 at 16:07, diske said...

Holy crap, did I spend HOURS scouring the internet looking for how to unlock the OK Select Button, WOW! Now my remote sends the OK button commands to the DVD menu.

Hopefully others can link to this page, and add more keyword or comments, so this is the first result people see when searching for how to unlock the Ok Select button.

More keywords: How to unlock the Ok/Select button.

Last edited by trueblu8 on October 3, 2009 14:51.

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