Here's some more. I didn't need to experiment; the site Edmund linked above lists "upgrades" for all sorts of components. The TV section has lots of upgrades for LG TVs, and LG tends to keep their EFCs constant across models. To see the EFCs, you need to download the program RemoteMaster (free). You didn't say which setup code you are using with your Atlas, but 0178 or 1178 are probably the best starting points. Actually 1423 mentioned above is better, but I don't think your remote has that.
COMPONENT-1-----034 (typo on your list? tv/av---------------055 LIST---------------107 4------------------116 0------------------117 6------------------118 2------------------119 5------------------120 1------------------121 7------------------122 3------------------123 arrow up----------165 Q Menu (duplicate)168 arrow down-------169 MENÜ-------------171 POWER ON-------172 HDMI-1-----------174 (different than your list) Audio level increment-175 POWER OFF------176 Input select sub-menu--178 Audio level decrement---179 channel up--------181 arrow right--------182 vol up-------------183 channel down------185 arrow left----------186 vol down-----------187 mix----------------212 AV1 Discrete-------231 Return-------------235 HDMI-4------------239 8------------------245 FAVOURITE--------246 Flashback----------247 9-------------------049 Component-1------253