Your Universal Remote Control Center
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Post 24 made on Thursday April 23, 2009 at 17:12
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Well, these would be individual tickboxes, like IP (Wired) and IP (Wireless)... so if 2-way was required, don't tick the 1-way box... and if both work, tick both boxes.

I had initially figured maybe a drop-down list (like the number of IR codesets option), but if components could ONLY work 1-way, or ONLY work 2-way, or work BOTH, then individual tickboxes might be the way to go.

Also remember that I've tried to make it fast to fill out, so it pre-enters information where it can. For example, if you're browsing Sony Blu-ray players when you create a new entry, it'll prepare the form automatically for a new Sony Blu-ray player (and can of course be changed). And if you're filling out devices that are mostly the same, just go to an existing component and click the [Duplicate] button down in the Wiki Toolbox. It'll copy everything except the model number.

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