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Post 17 made on Tuesday April 21, 2009 at 23:40
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
There already is a link to search the file area... it searches for files containing the same model number. For discretes, it'd actually be better to take the discretes FROM the file area and put them into the appropriate place in the Wiki, since they're stored generically in the file area and could be model-specific in the Wiki.

I'm not sure about firmware revision notes - maybe that could just be part of the general notes?

I'm still working out how I'd do file uploads. I can't really allow general uploads that are instantly available for anyone to download, but I could allow direct uploads to the site that would then be "approved" for download. This would be done by "Wiki Masters", and I'd be looking for a number of volunteers to fill those roles - not right now, but eventually. :-)

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