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Post 2 made on Thursday August 31, 2006 at 16:18
Long Time Member
October 2005
I tried getting around the lack of a Pronto-like duration function with my TV power on code. I'm not an expert with IR codes (and my understanding is a bit patchy!), but I'm pretty sure what I entered into the editor was correct (my power on command contains no once burst pairs and - I can't remember now - number of repeat pairs). I tried various lengths of IR codes (amending the header accordingly) effectively altering the duration for which the command was sent and placing them in a short macro to ensure that I was not performing the repeat command by pressing and holding the button myself. However, going off the blinking light on my TV, the length of IR code sent did not appear to change. I suspect that the Nevo recognised a repeating code pattern and just saved the original IR code - just like when pressing and holding a button on the original remote, in order for the Nevo to learn a repeating code, the Nevo will learn the original code and not a code that is proportional in length to the number of secs that you pressed the button for.

My understanding with the Pronto was that there was a limit to the length of the IR code that could be manually entered into the editor - the duration command was a way round this.

Someone please feel free to correct me if I'm talking rubbish.

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