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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 13, 2006 at 07:25
Lurking Member
November 2006
Is There anyone with experience in using the pinnacle Showcenter (either 200 or 1000g) as a streaming Target for NEVO SL??

I am already using the showcenter 1000g. But So far I didn't succeed in connecting it to the Nevomedia server.

I did accomplish to connect wireless to my PC on the attic and via NEVO SL play media ont that PC, but ofcourse I'd like to stream it to my showcenter

I already tried to enter the showcenter Ip adress as player target in Nevostudio but this didn't work. In this setting I also could not connect to the attic mediazone anymore.

Maybe I should upgrade to the showcenter 200 because it has UPnP

quote from a 200 review
UPnP: A Universal Standard At Last?
Showcenter is uPnP compatible from now on. It can be connected, therefore, to other multimedia software file servers. So, with Windows Media Connect (WMC), file-sharing will be a lot simpler. In WMC, all you have to do is select the directories containing the audio, video and image files and the trick is done. From Showcenter's point of view you won't have access any more to filing by type. All files will be listed simply in alphabetical order. It's less useful but, equally, it's also simpler to organize.
end quote

If anyone has any experience in this, I'll be glad to know

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