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Post 6 made on Thursday August 14, 2008 at 15:05
Long Time Member
April 2008
As a follow up, since another user just asked about this and got bumped here, I've had a lot of frustration with this fix. It works about half the time, so I wonder if there's more to it.

I can always make the two lines of text look just right on my screen, but the download to the Q50 is very erratic. On some buttons, the two lines look exactly right on the remote screen, but on others, there's no label at all, and still others have just the last letter of each line over at the edge of the button. I've spent too much time trying to get this to work reliably, but so far no one approach consistently works.

The best bet seems to be to add only the exact number of spaces necessary to force a second line. But even then, I get too many blank buttons. And that method is awfully time consuming. Any suggestions?

(I have one: Nevo really needs to add an automatic word wrap that keeps text within the button margins. Seems like a no-brainer to me.)

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