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Post 7 made on Monday August 18, 2008 at 05:06
Long Time Member
April 2008
I'm sure there is a way to easily convert them, but I just don't know the exact format they need to be in. Do you have an example of one that you know works?

But here's another thought: I saw this post from a another thread about an LG, and it looks like the codes are consistent over their units. Maybe you could PM Daniel and ask it he has those clean HEX codes in a file? He's at least worked with the HEX codes recently so maybe he could at least help you with the one you're missing. Good luck.

On August 6, 2008 at 04:23, Daniel Tonks said...
It's hard to tell if URC's discrete codes (on the MX-850)
are complete or not without actually testing, since it
lacks listings for HDMI 3 and HDMI 4 but has a lot of
other inputs that are no longer used and might have been

But at any rate, if anyone still needs it I just finished
the complete 2008 LG codeset in an MXD, all using clean
generated Pronto hex codes.

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