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Post 4 made on Thursday November 11, 2004 at 01:08
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Well, for once yesterday's (Wednesday's) HDTV viewing was without a single glitch the whole night. ABC, Fox and CBS in a row.

I wonder if WKBW's fixed their intermittant glitch problem? I haven't seen it for the past two or three shows I've watched...

And anyone catch Fox's "Rebel Billionaire" on Tuesday? It's sort of a cross between The Apprentice, The Amazing Race and Fear Factor. And it's all in HDTV... high def reality TV is great, makes fuzzy episodes of Survivor look all the more worse. Amazing 5.1 sound mix as well - if a bit overbearing on the rear channels. For the first time I had to turn them down 3db for comfort.

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