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Post 469 made on Friday July 28, 2000 at 20:20
Historic Forum Post
If you know the base code you're well on your way. Assuming that there's no advanced codes listed on my site, you should try and find a ccf file for a similar device to the one you have on the Pronto files section (just click on FILES in the menu bar on this page) and downloaded it. Then go to the Pronto utilities section and download a program called ccf2efc (written by John Fine). This program will find the EFC's (advanced codes) for you.

The easiest way to run it is to create a shortcut to it on your Windows desktop and then drag the ccf file onto the icon for ccf2efc. It will create a text file of the same name in the directory that you put the ccf file in. There will be alot of info in the that you won't understand, but try and find the device and then look for "EFC".


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