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Post 56 made on Monday April 8, 2024 at 13:02
Regular Member
January 2021
On April 8, 2024 at 12:18, goldenzrule said...
Nobody has disdain for a decent education.  What people have a disdain for is people that hold that education over others as if it makes them better than them.  People that feel the need to mention that education in every conversation.  THAT is what engineers do every damn time....

Not completely true for us all. But IT folks in particular like to tell others "Have You Tried (Insert the obvious here)? They seem to be unwittingly condescending sometimes, somewhat justified as they do not always know who they are talking to. I personally find that approach very tedious and time consuming. Explaining to them that one knows what one is talking about first saves a lot of back and forth, and more often than not gets to a solution faster.

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