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Post 4 made on Monday January 22, 2024 at 18:29
Junior Member
March 2023
Further, on attempted use of a UCR 7780 for this:

UCR remote control and DVDR

A. Speed: to change the speed at which the DVDR records on disc from SP to SLP
B. Timer Recording; to be able to get an interface on which I can set recording at a set time

1. Info button: [when there is a disc in] shows two lines of commands at the top of the screen and one at the bottom with Speed and ?. I do not understand the commands. It starts in the second row. By clicking on the first button in the second row I can get to the top row, which seems to have to do with playing from disc. I have not found a way to get to the bottom row.

2. Home button: Shows a screen of buttons with one saying “Setup” by itself at the top and then a list. The lis of menus includes “Recording” but that only has setup things. I cannot get to the top bar that says “Setup”.

I have tried pressing Menu when in these screens; it just opens the disc menu as it normally does. I have tried pressing the coloured keys, the app keys, I think Input and Magic on both.
Alan E. Dunne

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