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Post 2 made on Thursday July 14, 2022 at 11:25
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
1) Most people don't have to wave their arms around. That is a specific problem to equipment you are using or how it is installed.

2) IR is an standard that is on 'every' device. - yes there are some popular devices that don't have IR at all but I try to avoid those. Until 'every' manufacture agrees upon a new control standard that is adopted into 'every' product, this is not going to change.

IP = Not every device can be controlled or even hooks up to the network. And even those that can, sometimes are a nightmare to try and control (again, no best practices common to all devices).

Bluetooth = Wild west. A few companies like Bond are making universal interfaces for bluetooth products in niche categories. But that is far from mass market adoption.

CEC = Not every device has an HDMI port. And even those that do, even with a standard in place for this, some manufacture just refuse to implement it correctly. Either thru arrogance or ignorance.

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