On February 12, 2021 at 15:46, welchwarlock said...
I have looked for a more contemporary product, and have not found one. Is there anything close? I am not willing to switch until I find something that is BETTER than what I have.
I want a touch screen where I can design the buttons, and program the actions that the buttons have. I would like more hard buttons than the pronto NG has. I would like more battery life and a better screen.
I致e been using
TouchControl. It痴 iPad/iPhone only, so you値l need to give up hard buttons other than Volume Up/Down. This is a very different type of platform and not for everyone. Mostly you値l be limited by your imagination. You値l get best results if you can use JavaScript. Buried deep down in some of my programs you値l find bits and pieces of repurposed ProntoScript.
The hardware is much faster and screen interactions that are not practical with Pronto, are easy and responsive.