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Post 1 made on Friday February 12, 2021 at 15:46
Long Time Member
August 2002
I used to run my pronto edit in XPMode on Windows 7, but that OS has come and gone. It took me a while, but I was able to find a new way to successfully run ProntoEdit in the current decade containing 2021. Here is what I did:
1) Download and Install vmware workstation player 16
2) Created a Windows XP virtual machine matching the Window XP CD Image I had and ran.
3) Installed Windows XP in the virtual machine from my XP CD (an ISO image will work too)
4) Installed the VmWare tools (Facilitates mapping a folder between your computer and virtual machine).
5) Mapped one of my local machines directories as a shared folder in the Virtual XP machine. (Lets me backup my pronto files)
6) Connected the Pronto Remote
7) Instructed the VmWare application to disconnect the Pronto USB form my real machine, and connect to the virtual machine
8) Install the drivers in the virtual machine
9) Run Pronto Edit

At this point, each time you run the virtual XP machine, the only thing you have to do special is tell VmWare to pass the USB with the pronto remote through to the virtual machine.

I tried several other methods including Hyper V, and Virtual Box, but was never successful getting everything to work correctly where I could run ProntoEdit and modify my remote. If someone else has been successful, I would love to hear what they did.

I love my Pronto Pro, and I wish I had the source code as I would update it and make it usable directly on Windows 10.

I have looked for a more contemporary product, and have not found one. Is there anything close? I am not willing to switch until I find something that is BETTER than what I have.

I want a touch screen where I can design the buttons, and program the actions that the buttons have. I would like more hard buttons than the pronto NG has. I would like more battery life and a better screen.

I currently use two 7500s. I use one and keep one on the charger, alternating the units when the battery goes dead. I replaced the battery pack with AAA battery holder, and use cheap, but replaceable NiMh cells.

Happy Remoting!

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