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Post 25 made on Sunday July 31, 2016 at 19:34
Long Time Member
September 2008
On July 2, 2016 at 10:03, texasbrit said...
There are no drivers for Windows 7 and beyond. As Lyndel says, running XP under VMware works fine, on win7 and win10.

Has anyone tried on Windows 10 x32 ? It even had issues with Windows 7 x64. The biggest problem was no x64 drivers. If you have a Windows 10 x32, I am wondering if it works...

Personally I prefer VMware player 12 for this.... I created a Windows 7 x32 VM, only a 15gb drive, ONLY use it for the remote. It's portable, as I drop it on a USB drive to back it up.

So when I want to work on my remote, It is a dedicated OS for it, so no extra crap to fight with. And when I boot it up, it works, even time...

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