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Post 28 made on Friday March 11, 2011 at 16:27
william david design
Super Member
March 2005
On March 11, 2011 at 11:11, AHEM said...
The unfortunate lack of a "real" education and some bad life decisions in my formative years are what keeps me in this miserable business.


I understand how you might feel that way. My story is I went to law school and passed the TX Bar in '97 and I said fxck law. If I don't like a client I can fire him and if a client doesn't like me he can screw with my pay and/or not rehire me. In law I had a case where I was totally in the right and defended my client with a Perry Mason stellar performance just to have him file a grievance that cost me several thousand dollars and when I won the case I couldn't do jack shxt to him to get my defense money back. Don't feel bad as what we do is still an awesome job.

Longshot, I do love this biz most of the Time.

39, I understand as my law loans are still over $100,000.00
Defectus tuus consilium carpere discrimen mihi non constituit.

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