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Comcast remote not working with comcast box....
This thread has 186 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 45.
Post 31 made on Sunday July 17, 2011 at 22:40
Select Member
August 2009
Replacing it will probably fix it, but you can also try the following before taking it back:

A) Unlock the cable setup codes:
1) Press Setup until 2 blinks
2) Enter 982
The remote should blink 4 times. If it blinks twice, repeat steps 1 and 2.

B) Assign 01982 to the Cable button
1) Press Setup until 2 blinks
2) Enter 01982
The remote should blink twice.

If the remote now controls the Cable box, also assign 10812 to the TV button.
Post 32 made on Monday July 18, 2011 at 18:18
Lurking Member
July 2011
Dude you rock, thanks so much!
Post 33 made on Thursday July 21, 2011 at 14:06
Lurking Member
July 2011
I used the above information to set up my remote control, it had a myraid of problems, and now when I try to enter a channel with a zero in it, it doesn't register. What should I do? I've set up an account to specifically follow this post.

UPDATE - I've reset the remote using the reset sequence, re-entered the T.V. code, fixed the "A" button and got the on-demand button to work using the macro sequence. Now All I need to complete the process is the input code for the AUX button. I found it once before to input it into my t.v. remote but I can't find it now. The information for the unit I want to control using the AUX button is as follows:

Sony Blu-ray disc BD/DVD Home Theatre System:
MO.# - HCD-E500W Serial # 8830057

could you help me with this new thing?

Last edited by Chrissymamma on July 21, 2011 14:55.
Post 34 made on Thursday July 21, 2011 at 22:42
Select Member
August 2009
The most likely setup code is 20533.
Post 35 made on Sunday July 24, 2011 at 18:59
Lurking Member
July 2011
Here is a problem that I'm having with my comcast remote controlling my Cisco receiver. The remote has a red ok/select button.
When I first turn on my TV and Cable box, no function on the remote works for several minutes. Then after pressing a button a bunch of times it finally starts responding then works perfectly until I turn off the cable box and tv. If I turn it back on again, I have to start all over.
Thanks for any help!
Post 36 made on Sunday July 24, 2011 at 20:05
Select Member
August 2009
This may sound flippant, but it probably is the simplest approach:

Don't shut off the cable box.
Post 37 made on Sunday July 24, 2011 at 21:22
Lurking Member
July 2011
No offense taken. I have thought of that but it seems that inactivity has the same result as turning it off. I have left it on at night and turned the TV off the old fashioned way by using the button on the TV and back on the next morning but the same result. I changed out the batteries also. Maybe I just need a new remote or possibly it is a problem with the box. Seems I have to get a new one every few months.
Post 38 made on Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 16:05
Lurking Member
July 2011
so i was hoping that you might be able to help me as well... i tried all above solutions and none have worked for me thus far.

i just got the new Xfinity RNG110 with the Platinum remote (red ok button) and i can't get it to control my comcast box at all. i programmed it to control my tv and thats all it controls. (i have a 32" samsung 720p)

also i just hooked the box up and activated it online and everything and i can't get a picture on the tv either.

if you could help me out with this that would be greatly appreciated

thanks in advance
Post 39 made on Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 23:26
Select Member
August 2009
Perhaps the remote isn't using the correct cable setup code. The primary possibilities for the RNG110 are 01982 and 01376.
Post 40 made on Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 08:04
Lurking Member
August 2011
All of a sudden my page up/down and mute buttons don't work. Its really annoying. I tried the code to reset to factory setting and it didnt help.
Post 41 made on Thursday August 4, 2011 at 08:47
Lurking Member
August 2011
Post 42 made on Thursday August 4, 2011 at 13:53
Select Member
August 2009
You haven't given us much information to go on.
What equipment are you trying to control? Does the problem show up in all device modes?
Check to see if the remote is sending any signal by looking at the emitters with a cell phone or other electronic camera.
Post 43 made on Thursday August 4, 2011 at 22:26
Lurking Member
August 2011
Im sorry. I have the gray comcast remote with the digital cable box. The other buttons work i.e. channel vol. etc. so i assume the signal is fine but the mute and page up/down dont.
Post 44 made on Friday August 5, 2011 at 02:57
Select Member
August 2009
Normally, a cable box doesn't respond to voume and mute commands, and instead the remote sends those three signals to the TV, or if you've set it up that way, to a receiver.

If you really want help, please put in some effort. Please describe
1) what happened when you tried the factory reset (981?) command. Did the remote blink 4 times?
2) If you press the TV button, and then press mute, does the TV button blink? Does it blink when you press Mute? Different behavior while in Cable mode?
3) Does the Mute and Page+- buttons show flashes when looking at the emitters with a digital camera?
Post 45 made on Thursday September 15, 2011 at 22:57
Lurking Member
September 2011
Hello, 3FG et al.

I truly appreciate your generous, friendly, and professional help to others here. I'm hoping you can help me as well. I just installed a replacement Cable box and programmed the remote to my TV. The Remote was working for both, then I walked away for a bout an hour and now it only works for the TV.

Cable box: Motorolla DCX-3400/A385/000/320
Remote: "Platinum" w/ red OK/Select button for 3 devices (5 digit codes)
TV (thought probably not important): Samsung P2770HD

I have tried reseting to default w/ 981 and recoding with every single code listed in this thread to no avail. Does it need to be registered to this specifc box (directv remotes need a 6 digit code to match to a specific box). I did notice this box has a small indicator when receiving a signal - it no longer seems to be receivign/recognizing a signal.

In that hour, I did no physical damage. The ONLY thing that I did that may have any relevence was I pressed "Guide" on the OLD remote programed for the OLD box.

Thanks for your time.

PS: I saw somewhere that 'light interference' may be an issue - it's night and I tried it w/ the TV and lights off. Not a light issue. Hopefully you can help out b/c I don't see how it just magically stopped working - now I'm stuck watching the tabloid show "extra"... torture!
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